Too many of them and the rich get away while the poor take the brunt of punishment.
Well, fact is, some cops take it upon themselves to detain and execute people for suspicion of petty butglery and traffic violations.
Yeah, those body cameas didn't solve this.
They are trained to shout things like -
"I'm in Fear for My LIFE!"
"Gun! He has a Gun!"
Stupidity personified. I'll bet you 90 % of all people executed are poor and black. 50 % of them on dubious charges. the whole calvinist vindictive nastiness should be rethought. shame on america for allowing it
I had to debate this topic before...I'm strongly against it.
If killing someone is against the law why can the law do it. Government supported Capital Punishment should never be allowed.
Well generally I'm against it as it does nothing, is not a deterent and is more expensive that life in prison. But in the case of treason, say, I don't know, if a person was elected president because he were a Russian puppet and this was then discovered to be true, then I'd be strongly in favor of putting that treasonest bastard to death.
I am OK with the death penalty if there is indisputable evidence and not alot of circumstantial evidence. Our system is not about the truth. It is about lawyers winning and losing. I have no doubt we have executed untold numbers of innocent people in this country, one is too many. If it was abolished l would be more than fine with that.