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LINK Scientists Establish A Link Between Brain Damage And Religious Fundamentalism

Scientists found that damage in a certain part of the brain is linked to an increase in religious fundamentalism.

snytiger6 9 Dec 29

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When does the brainwashing occur? Intellectual people gain profound connection to religion and lose all
Prospective. Many elderly glue themselves to tv and radio evangelist spending their last dime on tighes for eternal salvation instead of food. When does it happen. It appears like mental health illnesses.


No shit, Sherlock!


And again, it took them how long and cost how much for THEM to figure out something WE already knew to be a Fact?


Figures had to be something

bobwjr Level 10 Dec 29, 2020

I had a young neighbor who registered as a republican on his 18th birthday. He was always my friend and very helpful to me. We sometimes debated political issues and I occasionally thought I was making some headway. He married in his twenties and divorced before he was thirty. He was a faithful supportive father to the child from that marriage but he also went into a deep depression.
His family was able to afford psychological treatment and eventually he was given electric shock which was coming back into Vogue about 10 years ago. It seemed to help a great deal and the next thing I knew he was calling me to tell me I would be happy to know he'd become a progressive Democrat.

Two years after his conversion he died of a massive heart attack as he was getting in his car to go to work.

Does electric shock undo brain damage?

I think as people grow older they generally go one of two ways. Either they become afraid of change and losing hat they have, which moves them towards conservatism, or they are open to learning and as they learn more they become more liberal.

I know growing up a a conservative religious household, I was miserable, but when I left my parent's religion (Mormonism) and opened up to learning I became (very) liberal.


That explains why I call them faithfools.


It would certainly explain a lot!


Oh my, religious fundamentalism caused by a Pink Floyd tune what's the world coming to. 😱🤣

They’re reduced to lunatics on the grass waiting for the Great Gig in the Sky.

@Ogmios obliviously 🤭


A good friend of ours, a lively, intelligent, irreverent woman suffered a horrific road accident and was in a coma for ten days. She gradually recovered and to all intents and purposes was "normal", except that she no longer had that "spark" that had made her such good company. By two years after the accident she had become deeply religious, and was always touting it to others.

Another one bites the dust...


Good. My theory has been proven then lol

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