No one can say that we weren't warned in 2017 in the book "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" which contained essays from 27 psychiatrists, psychologists, and other mental health professionals describing the "clear and present danger" that Trump's mental health poses to the "nation and individual well being." []
Most of us here didn't need to read a book to know that this man presented a clear and present danger to our nation. Yesterday was not a surprise.
On a more positive note: (2 min.)
Good point ::-::cannot heal
till the damage is assessed 🔷️🟣🪔
,,,some republicans in my state have subsidized transport to the demonstration at the Capitol & and ( as a political body)
are contesting the ELECTION
We need to call them OUT for the LIES
THEY espouse///// today,,,as yesterday- like THIER "leader" - who just cannot stop
So do we learn something from this or just put under yet another interesting fact? We really need to make some basic rules for nomination to the highest position in the country. Use a group of psychologists to make an analysis and formalize such things as tax returns and a Constitution literacy test. After all this should not be easier than applying for a job at MacDonald's which, heretofore it seems to be.
@VictoriaNotes Things is things have changed and considering all that has passed there will be some drastic changes.This is how the Constitution has grown and added amendments throughout it's history. The stupid American motto, "if it ain't broke don't fix it" has to come into play as it is seriously broken. With the Democrats in charge and the republicans with their limp tails between their legs now is the perfect time.
Every moment that Trump remains in power is a threat to national security. He has always been psychologically unfit and mentally unstable
Agree ,,,other countries ( some allies ) have said this
, he doesn't represent democracy- in
thier eyes . The only folks who cozy up to his
ilk are DICTATORS,,, His INTENT was clear early on
; look how he is leading the misinformation-
He lost by the same amount that Hilary Clinton lost >to him
< why is this different
Being a narcissist & not in touch with REALITY( lying & blaming ).
I am not proud of where this country is NOW OR IN the past .
But did anybody in the Repugnicant Party listen? Of course not!