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After reviewing hours of interviews and video it seems obvious that government and law enforcement had a mind set that radical left wing people were dangerous and the right was an ally against that radical left.
Why this notion persisted this long is beyond understanding when the Right wing has been involved in 99% of all violent political activity over the last century.
The friends of the Government are and always have been the humanitarian Left.
The anti-humanistic right has always been the foe of law and order.
The Republicans are pro violence, NOT pro law and order.
Why does it require some nobody like me to spell out the historical obvious?

Willow_Wisp 8 Jan 10

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Listen to few minutes to any AM Radio hate jockey. That should clear up your confusion. Incidentally, what do you think a lot of cops listen to during those long hours in their patrol cars?


Because as a Leftist Commie, Socialist Radical no one will believe you..


Regardless of the government of the day, the forces of law and order, which are a permanent fixture, tend to be very right wing. Essentially they're policing themselves.


You may or may not like Michael Moore!!!

This is not about Michael Moore!!!

There has not been one police or military briefing on this seditious anarchist event!!!

This has never happen in this country before, ever!!!

This video explains what the police and our government has not and will not tell us!!!


Left wing politicians partly share the blame. They've made too many concessions, too many compromises that inspired the far right to push a little further each time. So long as the vast majority were "comfortable", they wouldn't notice, much less mobilize against the oppressive threshold creeping further towards the median. They've been kicking that ball down the field as a rule. Much of our nation is quite literally just now realizing what's been going on for decades. They've been comfortable until now. The narrative begins to change when personally affected. Suddenly, delusion wanes and the direct senses are trusted again. I'm interested in seeing what Democrats do with this national awakening. I'm not so confident as to hold my breath. But I do hope.

It is plain that this seditious Domestic Terrorist events was overtly supported by more than a one or two domestic republican and militant groups!!!

It was coordinated by several legitimate legal Republican organizations and Republican attorney generals of 17 States of this country!!!

This is a massive anarchistic event allowed to happen by various police agencies and parts of our military to overthrow, take hostages and perform executions by hanging and firing squad of our elected officials!

This echoes 1933 Germany under the Fascist and Hitler’s National Socialist workers Party!!!

Beginning to think Neville Chamberlain is the patron saint of the democrats...


This is a republican fascist lead coup d’Tat attempt just like the Beer Hall Putsch of Hitler and the National Socialist Workers Party of 1923 in Germany!!!

@of-the-mountain ya think?

It falls on Moderate Dems that squeak out "take the High Road, and then duck for cover when the shit hits the fan. It for sure hasn't been Leftist politicians..

@Charlene Agreed. I should have made that distinction. Though American politics still considers even moderate dems as part of the left.

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