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I often hear atheists and theists alike discussing the supernatural as if it's actually a real thing.
It's nonsensical. The supernatural by definition is made up. It's a figment of our imaginations. It's an idea, a story, a fantasy.
It cannot be real.
For something to be real it has to exist in reality.
This is something I find incredibly frustrating

lifefun 3 Nov 28

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What do you think of the human 'spirit', the thing that brings death to the body when it flies.

What is 'spirit' or 'energy'? Natural or Supernatural?


i think there are people that are not complete, they feel they need something more to feel special. believing in the supernatural stimulates their mundane existence.

turf Level 5 Nov 28, 2017

Great post... i use to follow that crap when it first hit man was i hooked. Ya, i was crazy, but it looked like they might have something. Well, i try to tell people i don't beleive in any of that today. It leads to other questions, which sometimes explains me. My beliefs.


I find that the whole spirits and ghosts thing is silly. The whole idea that something is supernatural or requires an explanation past the known science is farcical.
However, if evidence of something like Bigfoot that scientists could test, and you could get more evidence then I will be convinced that a natural being exists. Without some sort of irrefutable proof, you have no basis for your argument.
Is that what you are trying to say?


Well generally speaking the supernatural is a catch all term that's used for that which we don't understand. There are things in the universe that mankind cannot explain but whether they are supernatural or simply something we can't understand remains to be seen. All science has at one point or another has been seen as a type of impossible magic. Take a flashlight back to medieval europe and they'd stone you as a witch.


I'm more apt to believe that most supernatural events will eventually have a logical explanation.

Let's take EVP's for example. These are likely not ghosts. More probably, they are simply events somehow imprinted on the space/ time continuum much as a voice is imprinted on a tape recorder. How? This is something we have yet to figure out, but one day will. And I highly doubt that ghosts will have anything to do with it.

What is a supernatural event?
With respect, this is exactly what I mean.
There may well be unexplained events but the explaination will be reality.


What if we substituted the word sports for supernatural: "I often hear atheists and theists alike discussing sports as if it's actually a real thing"

When I see people talking about sportsball, it is as if they are talking about imaginary friends. Of course, they could turn around and ask the same question about people who discuss Game of Thrones as if it's a real thing (which I really enjoyed).

Why does it matter, if they do?

I disagree. Sport is real. It can be measured etc.
Game of thrones is a tv show. The tv show is real.
I'm not sure people really discuss it as if it's a documentary about real events that could impact our lives. If they do, they're delusional.


Supernatural is a fun word, but it really doesn't have much value. Being is an act of nature. Now, to define what is nonsensical or not, that is amazing. Wait, maybe the act of knowing what is nonsensical is supernatural. In my OPINION, ghosts may exist, but it is not very high on my probability scale.


I agree. There are things we cannot explain, but it is not necessary to assign them a supernatural cause.

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