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Favorite and offensive swear words

What’s your favorite swear word and why?
What is the most offensive swear word and why?

paul1967 8 Jan 15

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I'm a pheasant mother-plucker.
I pluck mother pheasants.
I'm the most pheasant mother-plucker that ever plucked a mother pheasant. πŸ™‚


shitfire and fucking Nebuchadnezzar


Affirmation is my fave swear word. Too much effing about.


"Fuck", it was and is now and forever my favorite word, period, swear or otherwise.

I am not offended by swear words at all.

Leelu Level 7 Jan 15, 2021

I like and use all of them. My mother told me as a toddler I yelled "Goddamn son of a bitch" at a driver who was behind us honking his horn. Obviously I come by this quite naturally.



As a teenager, I was shocked when an upset buddy yelled out "Smegma!!!"

I can't top that.


Actually, having learned to swear quite efficiently, especially watching my Dad work on his car, I made a decision to reduce my car repair cussing by creating my own term for when things don't go as wanted. I call something an "Ubiquitous Whore."


Not allowed to type it here but Ann Coulter deserves the vile C. U. N. T. sworn epithet so do some war criminal thieves in the 42nd White House family .... swearing blows off steam while righteously indignant and enraged at enemies of humanity science Atheism and economic justice

In the right context swear words can be used in positive ways and from a biological perspective swear words are a good ways to release aggression, and raise pain thresholds.

@paul1967 good job you old son of a bitch pal

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