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Is there any reason my feed has become an annoying spamfest of images that are irrelevant to me? I don't visit this site to be bombarded with soft porn and crass memes. I can painstakingly block the groups one by one as they appear but it's detrimental to my enjoyment of the site, and this never used to happen. It hardly seems likely that someone who's interested in politics and philosophy should be receptive to posts in a heavy metal group so I'm wondering why this has suddenly started happening. Any offers?

Gareth 7 Jan 16

Enjoy being online again!

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Sometimes I Browse by Groups and My Groups if I find the general feed isn’t my bag.


You're right, you do have to block them as they come up. When new groups are founded, their posts will appear in your feed; just go to the group and hide it. 25 seconds out of your life.

I don't like to seem unsympathetic, but until there's an option to "Show Only My Groups" in the feed, this is what we all have to do. If enough people bring up this suggestion in the Site and Customer Service thread, maybe we will get such an option. Since you feel strongly about it, give that a try and I'll certainly add my vote.

You can also go into the settings and specify which type of posts you want to see more and which you don't want to see at all, or so I believe.

It's not the end of my world, but I've been on this site for years and I wondered why it has suddenly started happening.

@Gareth I don't know either, some of my own groups had never shown up in the general browsing feed and now they do. Sometimes when the site is revamped, I wonder if there are unintended consequences.

I personally still dislike the huge size of the previews, I used to be able to see about 8 at a time and now it's 1 or 2. They went from thumbnails to full size. I don't think I'm the only one who asked for an option on how to view these but they've never been put back.


Put your alerts as your entry page and skip the main feed.


God Did It, sneaky bastard. lol

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