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America where hypocrisy is okay if you are rich?

Amazon closes Parler because it incites violence and still sells "T" shirts emblazoned withthe message "Kill all Republicans"?

I don't know who he is, less than 7000 had watched his video just now. He has a point.
FrayedBear 9 Jan 16

Enjoy being online again!

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@JeffMurray proclaims my post to be a "sack of lies". So I responded to him with "Hey Jeff you didn't look far did you? What went wrong were you blinded by the steam out of your ears or the mucus bubbling from your eyes, nose & mouth?"

[] "

And now add this -


Perhaps we should not rely on Google for our information?

There are other "t" shirts advocating death of Democrats, and I'm inclined to think American First Nation People, Blacks, Hispanics, Atheists, Agnostics, Abortionists, Powdered milk mother's and Gay Whales.

I'm not relying on Google. Your post claimed AMAZON sells shirts that read "Kill All Republicans". So, like the person I am who likes to verify shit I WENT TO AMAZON AND SEARCHED MYSELF. Notice, you STILL haven't posted a link to Amazon search results proving me wrong. I'll wait.

@JeffMurray Seriously Jeff. Why do you think your fellow American in his vlog brought the issue up & provided you with evidence? Supposing he screenshot theadvert for the last in stock item. Perhaps you bought it & ondispatch the dvert is automatically removed. Your search now does not prove that the item did not appear in the advert at the time that he claims to have seen it.
Methinks you are frothing at the mouth too much because, like the naked emperor, you have been exposed.

@FrayedBear YOUR fucking text at the very top says STILL. That is not factual. Anyone can check for themselves to see you are spreading misinformation. Maybe they used to sell those shirts, even those none of them exist now. What they do still have available is plenty of merchandise that accuses a former President and former Secretary of State of murder, so that's something. Either way, if they realized they were wrong for not policing their sellers' items and systematically went through the inventory to remove it, it took less than 10 days to get through it all, likely starting with the most dangerous items first, like Parler where people were actively using hate speech and plotting domestic terror attacks. If you are not happy it potentially took them up to 10 whole days, then fucking say that, but don't post demonstrably false, inflammatory, libelous shit under your name or on this site if you don't want people to call you out on your lies.


This is a sack of lies. Don't just take him at his word. Go to Amazon yourself and search for those shirts and see what a fucking liar he is. The only shirts like that are ones that call the Clintons murderers and say that socialist policies kill people. Not one single item of any kind like it's suggested in this video.

Be better than posting lie-filled rants under your name or on this website.

Hey Jeff you didn't look far did you? What went wrong eereblinded by the steam out of your ears or the mucus bubbling from your eyes, nose & mouth?

@FrayedBear That, sir, is not a link to Amazon. I'll give everybody one guess why FrayedBear posted a link to another article filled with lies instead of a link to Amazon search results.
Oh, you guys guessed on the first try, yes, it's because he went to Amazon and searched that phrase and only got Republican talking point merchandise in the results.

@JeffMurray You seriously think that I would waste my time after Amazon has spent thousands of manhours scouring for items to remove because these articles have caught them with their pants round their ankles?

I prefer to go to the systemic source of the problem which arises from Amazon's terms of business -


You will note that clothing does not require specific permission & that no reference is made of items for sale that incite violence but I guess there is a problem there in that Amazon probably has a sizeable turnover in guns & military or police equipment including uniforms which have generally become an incitement in their own right.

@FrayedBear So you're saying that they are normally lax in their enforcement, but when it came to light that their services were being used to spread hateful messages they cracked down and removed them all including web hosting? That seems to prove the opposite of your point, bro.

@JeffMurray how studiously you ignore that incitement that I mention of weapons for sale. Setting my enquiry to be wordwide here are the first few returns from the search just now. I note that Amazon is heavily featured.

@JeffMurray Amazon has not succeeded. The problem is still systemic.

@FrayedBear Have weapons been the same thing as T shirts that say "Kill All Republicans" this whole time and I never knew it?!?

Lots of places sell weapons/guns. Fucking Home Depot sells a lot of the items the terrorists used as weapons in the terrorist attack on the Capitol. So what's your point? Aren't you the same people that have been vomiting that bullshit about "guns don't kill people, people kill people" for fucking ever?

You still have not shown your initial claim that I objected to is anything but pure fucking lies and propaganda. If it were true, it would have taken all of 5 seconds to prove it.

@JeffMurray you still have not proven that at the time of the reports the adverts did not exist. The weight of evidence is against you. Do you also want to prove the existance of god by the same logic. With that argument you can claim proof through the existance of a billion or so Gideon bibles.

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