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LINK Letters From An American 01/16/2021

Since right-wing insurrectionists stormed the Capitol on January 6 with the vague but violent idea of taking over the government, observers are paying renewed attention to the threat of right-wing violence in our midst.

For all our focus on fighting socialism and communism, right-wing authoritarianism is actually quite an old threat in our country. The nation’s focus on fighting “socialism” began in 71, but what its opponents stood against was not government control of the means of production—an idea that never took hold in America—but the popular public policies which tax and thus made wealthier people for programs that would benefit everyone. Public benefits like highways and hospitals, opponents argued, amounted to a redistribution of wealth, and thus were a leftist assault on American freedom.

HippieChick58 9 Jan 17

Enjoy being online again!

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One thing that I find puzzling is that none of these anti-socialists idiots understand the basic conception of math and numbers. With 330 million and counting people in this country, many with no concept of our culture or language, how will we be able to manage all the needs and often competing ideologies and social norms? More people in a given area always mean more rules and finding ways of reducing violence. The country is full and with our resource base shrinking and many doing without even the basics what or who is going to manage to keep things stable? These right-wing extremists think survival is simply a matter of the strongest (and often vilest) taking everything by force and the government only hinders their ability to do so. They really have no game plan other than plunder and kill. And we wonder how extremist groups as Isis manage to get a foothold in a country.


Every time I read or hear Heather Cox Richardson explain just what the terms socialist, fascist and how they came into the American lexicon I want to scream!!! Why? because the people that need to be educated and understand do not want to hear or read her words.

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