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LINK She Was Fired From Taco Bell for Being in Porn

With her sex work on pause during the pandemic, Lonna Wells was earning money for her family at Taco Bell. But she was fired when a customer complained. Now she’s speaking out.

Taco Bell is added to my personal boycott list.

HippieChick58 9 Jan 20

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I am with the girl, figuratively speaking.


Wow, seems like the poor girl was literally just "trying to make ends meet (meat)", and she gets fired because of some "disappointed" customer.


Porn is legal. She was fired for having engaged in a lawful activity. This is ridiculous.

I seriously hope that a whole bunch of Taco Bell Porn gets made now.
"Wanna lick this burrito?"
"Mmm...give me some more of your sauce..."


How did that person know she was a porn star? Obviously, this concerned citizen was watching porn and recognized her. What a hypocrite.

Probably blames the arthritis in his elbow on her.

@1of5 Yeah....and the calluses on the palm of his hand.


Wow, guess that customer watches a lot of porn. Or maybe she refused to "date" him..

That was my thought, if you complain she is in porn... how did you find it out? But ya know, small, religious, southern backwoods towns.

@HippieChck58 From my own experience I can tell you those Christians are a randy bunch. A very nice surprise.

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