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LINK What Message Did Biden’s Religious Inauguration Speech Send to Atheists? | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

It was hard to stop smiling while watching the inauguration festivities yesterday. But as hopeful as I was, one complaint I saw from a of atheists only was the deference to religion throughout the event.

It wasn’t just the oaths on a Bible, or religious songs, or President Joe Biden attending Mass in the morning. His own inauguration speech, according to the Washington Post, had more words “relating to religion than any inaugural speech since Dwight Eisenhower.”

snytiger6 9 Jan 21

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I do not care to look for hidden messages, had 4 years of ENOUGH of that!
I thought it was wonderful that he spoke in complete sentences & was honest about the real & very pressing problems we face.....
My atheism, along as others leave it alone, is My Business...why drag in government?


He is a true believer and to him it has great meaning. Unlike the last inauguration where the President was using religion as a dog whistle to his base and he himself never worshiped anything but himself and his money.


Even though I'm not a believer, I really had no problem with it. President Biden seems to be sincere (and not looking forward to the end times), as opposed to the last guy, who just used religion to fleece supporters and gin up anger.


Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.


It sent me the message that atheists are a minority and I’m glad the Bill of Rights protects minorities from the majority.

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