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What Message Did Biden’s Religious Inauguration Speech Send to Atheists?


skado 9 Jan 21

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I'm familiar with Biden's religiosity. It doesn't bother me. He uses his religion for himself. I'm confident that won't push it on anyone.


I just let it pass. I noted it but given there is just so damn much he and his administration are going to have to deal with it's not high on the list of things I call my representatives about. That said I am hoping having seen the damage the evangeloons can do a way can be found to subtly steer us into more secular waters. We'll see.


President Biden is a huge Catholic but does not impose it on others. Compared to the debacle that reigned here for 4 years, his speeches are refreshing, comforting & true just as Christ would counsel. Biden was not my 1st choice but compared to what the opposition offered, there was only one choice. The Democrats have to save the nation again.


I didn't mind it under the circumstances. Maybe it made my lunatic evangelical family feel better about him. Since they don't believe catholics are christians if it keeps them from looking for another dumpster fire (tRump) I'm fine with it.


People who are openly atheist are essentially barred from holding high public office. If we only ran atheists, it would be decades of Republicans fucking shit up beyond belief before the public would take a chance on one. I hate it, but I have to live with it living among so many dumb people.


By keeping an intangible god "alive," people will inadvertently serve the tangible god: Money

""Take man's most fantastic invention - God."/


It says that politicians pander to the religious community. I just find it hard to believe that anybody actually believes. I can't figure out how people could accept the possibility that there's such a thing as a supernatural deity, let alone swear by it. It doesn't make sense to me. I'm confused.

A lot of confusion can be relieved by taking it metaphorically instead of supernaturally. I think that’s what some religious people do.

@skado So in other words, they don't believe. They just go to church because their parents told them to. My thoughts exactly. If someone had the guts to come out and say it's all bullshit, they'd get destroyed but many people would know that they're telling the truth.

In one sense, yes. But they may also understand that just because it isn’t true literally doesn’t mean that it has no truth to it at all. It’s just a truth expressed symbolically instead of in descriptive prose.


It's pretty discouraging to be ignored. We'll see if he carries on with his injections of religion into government and well if he does he'll have lost me.


To this atheist his religious filled speeches were a refreshing exercise in humility and an admission that he cannot do what needs to be done without help - and isn't afraid to ask for it from anyone or anything. Lots and lots of help.

No, didn't read the article because I don't need to go looking to be offended by the words of a practicing RC.

1of5 Level 8 Jan 21, 2021
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