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LINK Canadian Official: COVID-Defying Churches Should Lose Their Tax-Exempt Status | Val Wilde | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

At this point, you’ve heard it all before: Some church, on its own self-righteousness, declares itself essential and refuses to shut its doors, insisting that in-person worship is the only kind the Lord will accept and public health be damned.

Governing bodies in Canada have been issuing fines, but it’s not helping. The churches just proclaim their intention to fight back, insisting that any restrictions on how, when, and where they worship constitutes a violation of their rights and freedoms.

snytiger6 9 Jan 24

Enjoy being online again!

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I know a bar here in NC that is getting away with having bands (and big crowds) by claiming all its events are “religious “. All the other bars around west Nc are getting sooo pissed bc they are not able to have bands. They “donate” a little of their profits to snack tents at the high schools where the vaccines are being given! And they claim the bands are “contemporary Christian “ bands.
>>>. Bands that play AC/DC ?! Cum on man


Bunch of Trumpanzees..........what else should we expect?


Nope, all churches should lose tax exempt status


Tax them to the hilt but ALSO make the taxes retrospect as well.

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