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Professional Spectator Sports

Are pro-sports an "essential industry?"

I was watching a podcast on YouTube last year (JRE?) and the guest was a blogger I was unfamiliar with (heavyset bearded guy). I thought he was making a lot of sense about remediating the damage from the pandemic lockdown. He then insisted that another priority should be keeping professional sports going (baseball, basketball, football) as "people need their sports."

I gradually quit caring about any pro sports as I got older. I refuse to wear any pro team apparel (maybe some motorsports I suppose) as I personally find it an embarrassment to care that much about a game. I cringe at local newscasts that gush about a particular title "our city" wins, or even crosstown college rivalries. It's not that they can't be fun or exciting, but in the bigger picture and overall scheme of things, pretty meaningless.

I don't begrudge anyone spending their entertainment dollars any way they see fit, but thinking the rest of the world should care or subsidize billionaire franchise owners is ludicrous.

I worked most my life at a major university. The athletics department paid their own way with the football and basketball programs while subsidizing the rest of the university's sports programs. I was shocked to learn that alumni donations rise and fall with the fortunes of those two teams. Who wants perqs from a losing squad, I guess?

So... do you feel the actions to keep pro sports going during the pandemic is justified or desirable? A lot of contradictions have popped up like fining basketball players for post game hugs and handshakes, though they were just in close contact without PPE during the goddamn game moments before.

WilliamCharles 8 Jan 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Cool. Good for you. I'll keep watching them.


Both Nader and Chomsky have talked about how pro sports are the modern version of the Roman Bread and Circuses. They keep the masses pacified and distracted enough to avoid revolts. They certainly should not be subsidized by the government, but they are thru tax breaks and local governments spending money to build sports facilities. Let the suckers who are paying fans, along with the team owners, foot the entire bill for the sports teams.

I too quit caring about pro sports as I got older and became more deep and aware of how much socialism is needed. Like Nader tho, I still watch pro basketball, but mainly stick to just watching the playoff season, since the regular season is so long and exhausting that the teams, by necessity, don't really play defense or that all out during the regular season games.

Other than pro basketball, the only other sports I watch are the Olympic sports like swimming, track and field, and gymnastics, and for those it's mostly just during the summer Olympic games.


Bread and Games, has it not always been so?


They certainly should not be subsidized. But I think they do provide needed respite, specially in these troubling times. Not everyone’s cup of tea, but then neither is ballet or opera. They still give enjoyment, socializing, and for many, needed competition. Meaningless, certainly, worthless, certainly not.


Omg, I couldn’t agree more about not subsidizing sports — and about the silly handshake rule.

I’ve never cared for sports. I say they’re no more essential than ballet or movies or plays. They’re enjoyable and entertaining, and some people miss them terribly, but we certainly can live without them.

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