10 0

Could there be 98 other people to compete this?

If 98 other people don't reply, then maybe you could come back for a second or third round after some have posted.

99 bottles of beer on the wall.

99 bottles of beer.

Take one down, pass it around....

... next post count down: Adding this edit from azxow2's first post. You could just copy and change the number to one less. You could change the lyrics or words for your number.

Drink one down fall on the ground as the room spins round and round.

98 bottles of beer on the wall.

98 bottles of beer.

Take one down, pass it around ... (97 bottles ...)

Word 8 Jan 30

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89 bottles of beer on the wall
89 bottles of beer
Guzzle one down, howl like a hound,
88 bottles of beer on the wall

C'mon guys, the beer's getting warm!


90 bottles of beer on the wall
90 bottles of beer
Take some chugs, give some hugs,
89 bottles of beer on the wall


92 bottles of beer on the wall
92 bottles of beer
Take a chance, go for a dance,
91 bottles of beer on the wall

... make a little romance.

That little line is in a country western song somewhere ... I'd have to search for it. But it might go along with that tune.

I found it, a good old time country gospel song by John Michael Montgomery.

Would ya wanna be my baby tonight
Yeah I'd take a chance slow dance make a little romance
Honey it'll be alright
Girl you got me wishin we were huggin
And a kissin and a holdin each other tight
So could ya would ya ain't ya gonna if I asked you
Would ya wanna be my baby tonight

@Word Have to admit "romance" popped in my head first for the rhyme but I rejected it for the safer "dance" since that comes before romance in my book these days.


93 bottles of beer on the wall
93 bottles of beer
Take a sip, go for a dip,
92 bottles of beer on the wall

I'm not passing my beer around during covid!

@Julie808 do the skinny, but no passing the bottle !

@Word It would take more than one beer for me to skinny dip. Maybe later in the song, haha!


94 bottles of beer on the wall.
94 bottles of beer.

floor spinning around, chug one down....

Word Level 8 Feb 24, 2021

95 bottles of beer on the wall.

95 bottles of beer.

Take one down, pass it around

...and hand to a clown

Drink one down, fall on the ground as the room spins round and round.

Does matter whiether it's a lager or a stout.

And when we reach the end, overhead, without any fuss, the stars will go out.

Word Level 8 Feb 1, 2021

96 bottles of beer on the wall
96 bottles of beer
Take one down and hand to a clown

96 clowns in a car ... ?


And when we reach the end, overhead, without any fuss, the stars will go out.

But still, until then there is ...

97 bottles of beer on the wall

97 bottles of beer

Take one down, pass it around ...


Can I get a 97, or is everyone already too drunk?

Word Level 8 Jan 31, 2021

Drink one down fall on the ground as the room spins round and round.

98 bottles of beer on the wall.

98 bottles of beer.

Take one down, pass it around ...

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