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Off The Mark: Hunter Gatherer.

snytiger6 9 Feb 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Uh oh... the hunter becomes the hunted.


A curious finding regarding saber tooth tigers... At the Page Museum (Los Angeles La Brea Tar Pits) they found columns of trapped skeletons where predators far out-numbered prey. The speculate that one mired animal would attract a predator which would also become stuck. Still other predators would hear the commotion and also get trapped. Hunger is a fierce motivator... Along with the saber-tooth tigers were dire wolves. I was also impressed by a bear skeleton the size of a Volkswagen.

I always wondered how the giant sloths ended up in the tar pits...

snytiger6 The smooth glistening surface looks like water, but because it's upwelling, it and the surrounding area can be like quicksand.

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