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What song gets you in a good mood?

Do you have a song that gets you in a good mood, even when you've had a shitty day?

ScubaWags 7 Apr 14

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Anything (hip hop or rap) that makes my car trunk thump (subwoofer).

Dion Level 2 Apr 20, 2018

"Maxwell's Silver Hammer", by The Beatles


The Mowgli’s, almost everything they write is a happy song but I especially like the song, “I’m good”


My go-to song for a certain mood lifter: Doobie Brothers ~ What A fool Believes (1979)

Also Hugh Masekela-Grazing In The Grass

@birdingnut owh, love that one! Thanks for educating me 🙂


Alcyon Massive - Stand Firm


Jean Michel Jarre music


Songs you can sing along to and songs about going on a trip. Oh yeah, love songs too. "Sailing" Christopher Cross, "Copa Cabana" by Barry Manilow. "Margaritaville" by Jimmy Buffet. "Wouldn't it be Nice" and "Cocomo" by the Beach Boys. "Two Tickets to Paradise" (don't remeber who), "Moondance" Van Morrison, "Come Sail Away" Styx, "Miracles" Jefferson Starship, "Baby Come Back" Player


Lucky me without shitty days. Cant remember last time I listened to music in my place. 4-5:weeks? More? Does not matter, what matter is lack of shitty days. Now, when I go dancing... is a different reality.


Wheels on the bus.


"King Of My Heart"- Taylor Swift.

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