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LINK “Prophetess”: I’ve Time-Traveled and the Media Will Soon Say Trump is President | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Self-proclaimed Christian “prophetess” Kat Kerr, who thinks there’s football in Heaven, that God will put back any baby lost through a miscarriage, and that God keeps a warehouse in Heaven for anyone who needs (for example) a new kidney, insists that Donald Trump is president and everyone in Heaven knows it and soon we will too.

(Also although not mentioned in this article, she says in heaven there are cities mad of Jell-o and that cows drive tractors in heaven.)

snytiger6 9 Feb 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Owh, have to share this too, because of the cows driving tractors! (Any excuse to share this one!).

Cows with guns by Dana Lyons:

I first heard this song when I friend got permission to put it on his CD.


I think she’ll find that’s called dreaming not time travel 😂


Was this before or after the RAPTURE?



She makes me glad I'm a proud Atheist.


She needs a better quality LSD supplier!

You think it's some dirty dope causing her problems?


It might work. Maybe one day I could have my own tractor driving cow.

Word Level 8 Feb 25, 2021
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