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LINK Joe Namath Should Run For Governor of New York State 2022

Joe Namath and Suzy Kolber

barjoe 9 Mar 2

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Happy it is a joke

He was drunk. He went into rehab shortly after that. She was very nice about it, but it stop cost him his job. She was 39 years old at that time, she's 57 now and still good looking. She from Philly suburbs, I know Suzy, she still does NFL games. Joe Namath does commercials for Medicare supplemental.


We haven’t had enough entertainers in government yet?

After Reagan, Trump, Schwarzenegger, Bono, and Al Franken. And those are just off the top of my head. Then almost government places like the NRA and their one time CEO Charlton Heston.

You’ll vote as you like. I don’t vote for celebrities, not even the few I like.

Did you click on the clip? It's a joke. Andrew Cuomo reference.

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