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Good Advice

Dhiltong 8 Mar 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Excellent point bypasses the bullshit


Very true, and I really think I'll do so. I live in a very Trunpy, anti-science, maskless plague rat area; and that would be the perfect way to screen for inconsiderate tools.

Deb57 Level 8 Mar 5, 2021

I agree with that reasoning, but, human nature being what it is, most people who did the wrong thing during Covid will simply lie and give the PC response so they can avoid being rejected by people who did do the right thing during Covid. It's like asking someone from a dating site if they voted for Trump. If the person asking is attractive looking enough and the person being asked is interested in meeting that person, they will lie instead of being truthful. I always tell the truth and let the chips fall, but I'm not naive enough to believe that most people have the same integrity as me. Experience has proven otherwise for me.

Well, that’s very being rational and analytical. I don’t think memes need to be taken that seriously.

@Dhiltong But I am always quite serious, and don't call me Shirley... (It's a joke from the movie Airplane!).

Pretty sure that men in the area where I live would openly and obnoxiously say so if they are/were anti-maskers. And most of them are.

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