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What is everyone's preferred way of handling the Christmas season?

Kate90 4 Nov 29

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Considering Christmas had originally Pagan roots, I'd say atheist and non-atheist alone should be able to celebrate it. Nothing originally about that holiday had nothing to do with Christianity. It was actually Christians who stole that holiday. For me, Christmas is about spending time with family and friends and taking a day off from mundane task and to just relax and have a good time to live life to the fullest. So I say to you, Merry Christmas!!! Have lots of fun and let your holidays be filled with happy times with family and friends!

You have a good point lol, Merry Christmas!


Well, typically, I have an amazing meal with my family and relish the rare chance to meet up with everyone. In the UK, the religious aspect really isn't all that significant.


Just another day for me, more or less. If someone buys me something thoughtful I think, “He or she actually took the time to think, what would Jeremy like?” And it kind of makes me feel giddy inside. But having extreme social anxiety, it’s hard for me to express how I feel in return.

I usually find myself alone watching Home Alone or talking to long lost friend on Facebook who has moved to Canada. 😉


Just take advantage of the sales for he stuff I might want for myself. Right now I can't think of anything I want though.


With my kids all grown and off on their own, I finally get to sleep in on holidays.


I do it for my daughter and her only. I like the holiday atmosphere, but try my best to piss off the Christians as much as I can during this time of year.


Really enjoyed all the varied responses so thank you to everyone who chimed in. Personally, I avoid the music as much as possible for the sake of the mostly religious lyrics. Other than that, I enjoy the festive decorations and family time to distract from the shortest days of the year. I suppose my holiday wish would be to do away with the consumerism. Also, in rural Missouri it is very centered on religion and Jesus so I have to do my best to keep my mouth shut every time someone makes it about Christianity (which is often, majority of people here have no idea it was stolen from the Pagans and will hate you if you try to tell them that).

"Personally, I avoid the music as much as possible for the sake of the mostly religious lyrics". I always sing along but change the lyrics. Listeners are left in no doubt that I'm not religious 🙂

Yes my family lives mostly in Joplin MO so I understand the rural MO thing ha ha


I put up my pagan tree, put my "Satanic" star on top, put on some secular Christmas music, and enjoy food.and family with no apologies. Christians don't "own" the season or the holiday any more than anyone else. Every culture has seasonal celebrations, especially important in the cold, short days of winter. Christians stole or appropriated everything they tout from other sources. There is nothing original about it, so we don't need to act like they own it.


It's a holiday to spend with family to eat, drink, and be merry. Then they go back to school. 😉

Betty Level 8 Nov 29, 2017

Years ago, as an employee of county government, I would volunteer to work on the christmas day. And not receive ANY additional pay. The people in the county said I had to take the extra pay. My response, "Why don't you offer additional pay for April Fool's Day?" (In one year it occurred on the same day as Good(?) Friday.) But I love the music..."Oh cum all ye faithful" and "I'm dreaming of a WHITE christmas". Now, other than that, I don't do anything different. Still sleep in on Sunday morning (rather then going to church. Yea right!)


I won't be with my family this year. I will be by myself. I've decorated my room I'm staying in with ChristMyth stuff. I get gifts for people. I hate the music my work normally plays on the speaker system for customers. It's annoying.

ChristMyth... Love it lol



it's just another day for me but I will be left in peace so I will probably listen to some music, do some drawing in my boxer shorts and eat some baked beans on toast.


I don't really pay much attention to it one way or another.
If anything what annoys me about it, it's the crowds.


I don't pray. I don't participate in the religious portion. But I still get my kids and family gifts. I am not turning free shit down....


I simply do not participate. I buy no gifts for the birthday that is not, and therefore I make no merchants happy. I have also told family and friends to not get me anything. I'm getting away with doing this because there are no small children at home and I am the only one at home. I have no tree and I do not want to hear any songs. All of this is still pretty much ingrained within me from childhood.

The funny thing about it all is that others come up with the damndest things to get me back into this and have me participate again. It's unbelievable!


Not to participate


My default is "Happy Holidays". If I know someone celebrates a specific holiday, I'll humor/respect them with the appropriate greeting like Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah.

Gary Level 4 Nov 30, 2017

I usually do nothing but if I am around the baby brother and nephews they all get 10 bucks and a card and candy. I believe in halloween on thanksgiving and christmas. When or if I have a family it will be a fun spooky holiday with facts not fun stories just the true history behind the day but it will still be family oriented days.


I put up my Festivus pole 🙂


Being Jewish, I simply enjoy the parts that I like to enjoy and ignore the rest. The food, the parties, the goodwill many people have, the occasional present, the music.. The good parts of the season.


I only recognize holidays that mark achievements like mlk day, 4th of July, labor day and veterans day. I don't recognize any religious affiliated holidays. Takes all the stress out of it. I'm 50 so not giving a damn about what family or others think of my lack of participation in religious holiday events is easier than some younger atheist.


I usually get drug through it unwillingly. Bahh Humbug.


I largely ignore it.


You know. Typical atheist stuff. Drunken orgies. Blood sacrifices. Succulent baby roasted in the mother's milk. Oh...and decorating the phallic tree.


Christmas; Bah, Hum-Bug. I hate it because I never know what to get for others and they have no idea what to get for me. If I thought it would do any good, I'd pray for it to be over soooooooooooooooooooooooon. 🙂 😟

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