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LINK Christian Mommy Blogger: Abortion and Being Trans Are Worse Than Coronavirus | Beth Stoneburner | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Conservative Christian blogger Lori Alexander has some encouraging words for anyone concerned about the coronavirus outbreak.

Just kidding. Alexander doesn’t do “encouraging.” Only shame, blame, and more shame.

In a recent post, she downplayed the seriousness of the epidemic, admits she doesn’t wash her own hands or use hand sanitizer, and uses the crisis to proselytize: ...

...Lori has no medical background, so she has no business promising mothers that their children will be safe. Plenty of kids have compromised immune systems from other medical conditions. Also, it’s absurd to say it only affects the elderly as if that’s somehow okay.

snytiger6 9 Mar 14

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She doesn’t wash her hands because she is so full of shit it wouldn’t be worth wasting her time washing!


This is all the Republicans got? Picking on the trans community and a pro fetal birth agenda is all they have left?

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