A couple of days ago, YouTuber Owen Morgan, who goes by the name Telltale, posted some disturbing audio from his daughter’s public school health class in West Virginia. (Follow link for recording)
The teacher told the middle school students that they shouldn’t have sex until marriage because the Bible said so, that people who didn’t believe in God worried her, that she injected religion into the classroom whenever she could, and that God would help them “make better decisions” about how to handle their hormones.
Maybe she oughta watch her own. These fuckin’ clowns make me sick.
She is an evil cunt who should be forced into doing sex work for lesbians.
LMMFAO!! I wouldn’t be surprised if she herself was abused.
1st, being fully upfront, having taught, I hate the idea of students recording without permission. That said, that bitch shouldn't be in a classroom. A true professional does not bring their religion or, in my case, lack of, into a classroom. I taught literature, so yes, we had discussions on religious themes and in some cases writers who hated religion (like Chinua Achebe and his writings on the foreign oppressors use of religion to keep their control).
Back to my first statement. Teachers like that women make it hard for real education to occur. Sadly, there are WAY too many like her out there.