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No longer looking for a love interest. I have no desire. It is simply gone.

What I have is intelligence, humor, and an ability to get along. I'd love someone who felt the same. As with all things sexual attraction is either there or not. However, the ability to talk to each other, now that is the special meaning of life.

As one grows older, one realizes that in the end what matters is the care, love, concern of another. The passion along with looks fades. The real love never does.

JustLuAnn 7 Mar 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Is this a conclusion epiphany OR posting your epitaph upon all lovers ? New invitation or celibate gate keeping ? I agree love past our baby making years must nurture lust is lost for beefcake or cheesecake eye candy

More of an old age thang. And the fact that well so much in life is going on right now. I don't see any major changes coming my way. Of course, I could always be wrong.


It's sad that most women in my age range have no interest in sex, or cuddling, or physical contact of any kind. You're in the majority, @JustLuAnn.


Sorry you feel so discouraged. I have just had quite a positive turn in my dating fortunes, after a long dry spell and so much discouragement. This current streak may well suddenly end in a matter of days, but it at least teaches me to never give up for good. Its message to me is that you never know what may happen eventually if you just keep showing up and trying. So much of the dating game is pure numbers and luck, no matter how good or bad our efforts are.

...I am not sure @JustLuAnn is finally deciding upon a nurturing romance OR ENDING past mate selection for his looks..... both works for me


Don't give up on sexual passion. It's the best thing in life.

Oh I said nothing about giving up sexual passion. LOL


I'm 74 and love is fine

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 22, 2021

Lol LuAnn. You have neither lost the desire nor the ability - it has merely developed to now encompass far more than it did when you were sweet 16!

I would never say never but I'd also have to say highly improbable at this stage and given where I live.

@JustLuAnn if you refuse to again open Pandora's Box you will never know & will neither be satisfied nor hurt again. It's up to you not others or your environment.


I agree. I'm no longer looking for romance, but if I did happen to find someone I could talk with deeply, I have a feeling there would also be a sexual attraction that could grow from that. I think my passions are just taking a rest and could be awoken with the right stimulating conversations or mutual interests. We'll see. If that never happens, that's okay.


At age 84, and with many years of experience behind me, i fully agree. .

My father was in in the Cold War before he died. He was Air Force, and I was raised well just about everywhere. I'm in the Bible Belt and see no way out. Hence my somber posts of late. I will perk up in a few days.



I disagree. As couples age, love and passion do not always end.

IF you have a couple.

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