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LINK Sex addiction fact check: Why so many young Christian men like the Atlanta shooter believe they’re addicted to sex.

"Evangelicals’ core beliefs that all sex work is “inherently exploitative,” a phrase used by NCOSE, coupled with their attachment to sex addiction rhetoric, creates a lose-lose scenario for both sex workers and their customers. Men, like Long, are led to believe they consume porn or for sex because they cannot overcome their temptations and natural biological urges. People in the sex industry are both victims in need of rescue, as the rhetoric goes, but also a supplier of these perverse temptations. The racist stereotypes that fetishize women of color, especially Asian women, as seductresses in both sex work and porn are inextricable from how these groups frame the evils of porn and sex work, a dimension most of these groups have ignored.

Anti-porn and anti–sex work activists have suggested outbreaks of violence as in Atlanta are inevitable—if we don’t help men help themselves from these temptations, they may act out. (This despite a lack of reputable evidence that links hypersexuality and violence or aggression.) Many have even sought to legislate this idea: To date, states, with bipartisan support, have passed resolutions declaring pornography to be a public health crisis. Each of these closely resembles an original resolution drafted by NCOSE leaders: All declare pornography to be “biologically addictive,” and most claim that viewing it directly causes violence.

The Atlanta shootings should spur profound soul-searching among these evangelicals about the messages they’re sending to young people, especially young men, about what their sexuality means for their character and the status of their souls. Instead, so far, leaders have insisted that Long’s alleged violence has no connection with them. “These actions are the result of a sinful heart and depraved mind for which Aaron is completely responsible,” his church said in its statement, condemning Long’s sexual desires as “depraved” in the same breath it washed its hands of him. (The treatment center where he was a patient has declined comment.) Long is not the first person to blame killing on sex addiction, and he likely won’t be the last. Christian sex addiction rhetoric alongside the anti-pornography and anti-trafficking movement offers a disturbing script for this violence."

WilliamCharles 8 Mar 24

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The guilt of sex from religion especially evangelical

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 25, 2021

Religion seems to consider nature to be depraved and that man needs to control nature, meaning God knows better than nature, I guess. So, people are not taught healthy sexual attitudes, so they never know the real thrill of natural sex. They do, however, get their thrills out of demeaning the object of their desire. It is usually a female that is demeaned or degraded, treated as subhuman. Those are my thoughts, anyway.

In my mind, pornography is the degradation of another human being for sexual pleasure of the viewer, while erotica is the healthy celebration of sexuality. Yes, there is sometimes a very fine line, unless you are looking for the difference.

There are many people, men and women, who can only understand sex if one (usually a woman) is being degraded. That, I attribute to religious upbringing.


I'm not sure how sex work can be any more exploitative than any other paid employment. Some work in particular areas because they love it while others are exploited with low pay and poor conditions. It's as true of people working on production lines, picking produce or serving in restaurants.
I do find it interesting that violence is blamed on porn for which there is no correlational support while ignoring the strong correlational link between societal violence and violence portrayed in media (movies and computer games). But bottom line, other people watch these things and are subject to these things and they don't go out and kill others.
And why is it always men who commit these attrocities. Women in general are subject to far more abuse and victimisation but their representation amongst murderers is negligible.

I agree exploitation takes place with many different kinds of employment.I am also sure there are some sex workers that enjoy their job and are paid very well . That said, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of them are exploited in ways that would seem horrendous to most people. Not only are they locked up without the choice of leaving but many of them are subjected to physical violence from both their customers and their pimps. I'm sure this happens also to women in the poorest segment of our society who are working in the fields as well but I do not think it happens to as large a majority of them as it does to sex workers.

@Lorajay I have sex workers as clients and I've met some while advocating for decriminalisation and your perspective is very far removed from reality, at least in my country. I don't know what the reality of sex work is in your country, but why don't you find out by ringing and asking a few of them. Seriously. Too many people make assumptions based upon religious condemnations and biassed reporting and you'll only get a balanced vewpoint by asking.

@Cyklone my parents ran bars and nightclubs. My father was an alcoholic. I'm pretty sure he was a pimp for a short time. I know I visited him in a whorehouse once where the madam was trying to sober him up. I still remember the sounds in that place. I've always asked lots of questions and the sex workers in that place were not happy campers. I did not see physical abuse but the drug and alcohol addiction was obvious.

@Lorajay I'm aware that there are a few brothels here run by a bike gang which fits your description. There are also a lot of ladies that work for themselves who love their work and who also work tirelessly to decriminalise their industry in this state so that it is easier to stop exploitation. I've heard them complain about "bloody dogooders who categorise everyone the same and who don't listen to the workers".
I know this is not you as the things you complain about may be true for your country. That's not so for other countries. It is decriminalised in most aussie states. Unfortunately while it is criminalised it can't be policed and if the drug industry has taught us anything it is that criminalising an activity does not work. USA learnt that lesson with prohibition but unfortunately, neither they nor many other countries are able to generalise that lesson


Two progressive journalists/authors I really admire and respect have what seems largely a zero tolerance attitude towards porn and sex workers. Not sure if that applies to swinging as that pretty much amounts to a "porn lifestyle" whether filmed or not.

I have online friends (social media acquaintances) who were in the business. One was a former madam in Reno. I was surprised that there were any right wingers among them as conservatives generally paint them as tools of Satan. I just watched the documentary series "Life After Porn" and there are a wide range of experiences as far as the performers go. There were a few that turned to Christ to rescue themselves from the destructive behavior their lifestyle engendered, but while glad for them, it was also sad to see them falling into to standard religionism and associated delusions. One pastor married his porn star rescue, and I couldn't help thinking that for him, "brag rights" however unspoken, was part of the pairing. But, whatever helps someone towards health and happiness I suppose.

The first excerpt is from Prof. Robert Jensen, and the second is Chris Hedges.


"When you start to look at porn with a critical lens," Jensen, 50, said, "it becomes quite disturbing. Emotionally, it becomes very trying."

Jensen, a self-described feminist and associate professor of journalism at the University of Texas, concluded that the mainstream heterosexual porn industry was "relentlessly misogynistic and racist." Even the contemporary amateur porn and "sex-positive" genres, which often boast of operating outside the traditional porn-power paradigm, are stained by an anti-woman subtext.

"When kids make their own music videos, they still look like MTV videos," Jensen said. "If you look closely at so-called 'do-it-yourself' porn, it still looks like industrial porn."

Jensen said he's not trying to sanitize society (though he is co-founder of an advocacy group called Stop Porn Culture, dedicated to "challenging the pornography industry and an increasingly pornographic pop culture" ). His journalism background and academic range have helped him report and publish two other books, on race ("The Heart of Whiteness: Confronting Race, Racism and White Privilege" ) and nationality ("Citizens of the Empire: The Struggle to Claim Our Humanity" ).

Jensen may be best known for his ability to draft timely, acerbic critiques: Just three days after the Sept. 11 attacks, Jensen published a highly criticized column in the Houston Chronicle that observed that "this act was no more despicable than the massive acts of terrorism - the deliberate killing of civilians for political purposes - that the U.S. government has committed during my lifetime."

The article turned Jensen into a pinata hanging from the ivory tower for conservatives who questioned his patriotism. He now visits San Francisco with a highly critical analysis of pornography under his arm, at a time when residents here - famously relaxed when it comes to attitudes toward porn and sex - just voted on an ordinance that could decriminalize prostitution. (It was voted down.)"



""Fifty Shades of Grey,” the book and the movie, is a celebration of the sadism that dominates nearly every aspect of American culture and lies at the core of pornography and global capitalism. It glorifies our dehumanization of women. It champions a world devoid of compassion, empathy and love. It eroticizes hypermasculine power that carries out the abuse, degradation, humiliation and torture of women whose personalities have been removed, whose only desire is to debase themselves in the service of male lust. The film, like “American Sniper,” unquestioningly accepts a predatory world where the weak and the vulnerable are objects to exploit while the powerful are narcissistic and violent demigods. It blesses this capitalist hell as natural and good.

“Pornography,” Robert Jensen writes, “is what the end of the world looks like.”

We are blinded by self-destructive fantasy. An array of amusements and spectacles, including TV “reality” shows, huge sporting events, social media, porn (which earns at least twice what Hollywood movies generate), alluring luxury products, drugs, alcohol and magic Jesus, offers enticing exit doors from reality. We yearn to be rich, powerful and celebrities. And those we must trample to build our pathetic little empires are seen as deserving their fate. That nearly all of us will never attain these ambitions is emblematic of our collective self-delusion and the effectiveness of a culture awash in manipulation and lies."


FYI, Prostitution and Prostitutes, either Male or Female have been around since times immemorial to human kind.
In their 'own' way/s they HAVE been both performing a Service to Human kind AND being a PART of the Glue that has held Societies together long, long BEFORE the Christian Ideologies and Pseudo-pieties sought to paint them as they are seen now.
When the film Industries took off as well as the print Medias took hold then came the so-called Pornography and the Christians, in particular, LABELED it as being Sinful, etc, etc, as well.
But would YOU, for example, class either Renaissance Art with nudity in it as being Pornographic, would YOU say that ancient Greek Sculptures showing both Male and Female nudity as being Pornographic in either content or context?
How about, for example, the Art of other Civilised Cultures and Societies that show nudity, are they also Pornographic/Pornography.
ARE Medical Text books showing NAKED, horror of horrors, naked and EVEN dissected Human Bodies also Pornographic?
Where, precisely, DOES ART stop and Pornography begin?


Here we go, yet another, imo, piss poor excuse/alibi for Scum like him MURDERING Innocent people being put forward by his Lawyers ( Liars), etc, etc.
I suppose the Lawyers, etc, suddenly realized that things like, " God told me to cleanse the world of sin and sinners," "the Devil made me do it," " He was toilet trained too early," " His parents were too harsh on him as child," " He was never given the toys he really wanted at Xmas/Birthdays," " He was bullied at School," : No-one ever REALLY understood him," " His Mummy stopped Breast-feeding him when he 4 years old," " He wet his bed," " He wanted a Skateboard but got a bicycle instead," " He had horrible chores like taking out the Trash as a child," or, the tired old argument of "Temporary Insanity" would NOT cut the Mustard in Court so they dreamed up this excuse instead.
FFS, he IS a FUCKING Murderer,his religious up-bringing was the ROOT cause of his TRULY abhorrent actions, admit to it and get it over with imo.


By religious standards I would be classified as "sex addicted". Lucky for me I love sex way more than I love believing in bullshit. 😀

Leelu Level 7 Mar 24, 2021

I'd love to see legislation outlawing these kind of "teachings".

The garbage being spewed by so many religions causes far more harm than good.

They shouldn't be permitted to spread their lies.

Yes, I think it's the religious teaching that creates a religiously based sex addiction, not a biologically induced sex addiction, as the article mentions.

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