43 7

"Friends with benefits"

What's your take?

bleurowz 8 Apr 15

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Fantastic and liberating, no fears and no hangups. Just pure enjoyment.


Don't see a problem with it.

Coldo Level 8 Apr 16, 2018

I think they are great, personally. Of course. clear 'rules' need to be made and adhered to. That's just me, though.


I don't see nothing wrong with it. We should all be so lucky when there are no long-term romantic relationships in sight, like with me.


Not for me. I have little interest in purely sexual relationships. Y'all have fun though ?


Count me...out!


I've been in that situation twice, both ended well.


I'm down 🙂


It's a waste of time. If someone is looking to express their sexuality, they should do it in a way that lets them mature as a person by getting their sexual obsession out of their system, rather than be held back by their emotions. So it's better if a person experiences lots of sex with the smallest amount of partners, and then gets over their ideations about sex, rather than putting themselves on an emotional rollercoaster. In the end, those emotions are mostly averse and self-defeating bodily reactions, anyway. Imagine trying to study for something major like a school exam, and getting moody? It would be an awful outcome!

If there should be any exceptions allowed, it should be a practice meant for people who are of a certain maturity of mind, so negative outcomes become less likely.


it can work, if you are both honest about what you want. its not for everyone. i used to be into it, not what im looking for anymore.

Byrd Level 7 Apr 15, 2018

As long as both people are upfront and honest about what the nature of the relationship is then I don't see a problem with it...


I think it ends up being unfulfilling. It's sex without love, which is just sex. Sure you get your rocks off, but then what? Are you really friends or just sex buddies? Does one of you think you're "dating" and the other thinks you're just having sex when time allows? It could be more complicated than it needs to be.


I call it what it is...

prostitution without pay.

(which is not an indictment of prostitution.)

That makes absolutely no sense.

But the "for pay" part is required for sex to count as prostitution. It is a vital part of the definition. What IS your intended connotation about prostitution, then, if not negative? I happen to think casual sex can be a valid option. The key is both parties being clear and in agreement about what they are in it for.

in my personal experience there's no benefit to it.
it's a transaction without the payment.
i'm okay if you're okay with it.
i am perfectly fine with casual sex - although it doesn't interest me anymore.
but that's what it is.
casual. noncommittal. sex.

personally I've never had casual noncommittal sex that's anything like an actual friendship with the benefit / bonus of sex as well.

what is friendship to any of you?
we hang out, we call each other to talk, we support one another, etc etc etc...
add sex to that and maybe it actually is friends with benefits.

I haven't personally known anyone who's had that, nor have i.
I don't like euphemisms.
I like to call things what they are.

my joking response to the term is "prostitution without pay" as it's catchy like "friends with benefits" vs "casual. noncommittal. sex"
get it?

if all that's wanted from me is the sex, no non sexual conversations, no "hey my day sucked, let's grab a movie and chill", no i need a ride to the hospital for same day surgery, no anything outside of sex - that's not friendship and for me the sex isn't a benefit... it feels, to me, like prostitution without pay.

i'm fine if that's not how any of you see it.
I stand firm in my opinion for myself.

and. to be perfectly clear... I have zero judgment of what's acceptable for other consenting adults. if circumstance were different for me, I'd be absolutely okay with it.

sex and sexuality are natural, healthy, good. this term simply doesn't work for me.
casual sex has rarely given me what i sought from it and i just am not interested at this stage of my life.


If you’ve been friends for awhile...won’t work. If you casually know each other, can work.

It can work either way. I have done both.


No no no no.....not gonna do it.


It takes the right people to pull it off, but I say go for it. As long as it's between consenting adults.
Also, best if you keep your heart out of reach...


Friend being the important part


Where can I find them???.... I am at the eclipse of my life and never new....

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