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LINK Why Middle-Class Left Liberals Should Dump the Democratic Party - LA Progressive

Quote from speech by Eugene Debs over 100 years ago in Chicago about the middle-class fear of socialism:

"Many of you in the middle class are opposed to socialism. You still think there is some chance for you under capitalism and you fear that the socialists will take what little you have and divide it among the shiftless and thriftless. You need not have the slightest fear. The socialist has no use for your small capital; it would do (them) not the least good. (They are) after the earth, the trusts, and the machinery of production. Besides, soon you will have nothing to divide. When the big capitalists get through with you, you will be ready for us. You may not be ready yet, but you are ripening very rapidly. When you have been stripped of what you have, when you have become proletarians, when you have become expropriated, you will be ready to join us in expropriating the expropriators."

WilliamCharles 8 Mar 28

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This guy makes way too much sense. If he were running for federal office or a governorship, I would suggest he stay away from small aircraft. It's sad to see a photo below the end of the article showing AOC, as if she were a legit progressive.

Also, the author's %s in his analysis of the various classes in America only add up to 90%, not 100%, which makes his analysis look amatuerish.


Your usual ideological tripe.

You're welcome to critique specific areas you take issue with, but I know you won't. You seem to prefer being a gadfly without making any points.

@WilliamCharles And you, WC, are not a gadfly?

@yvilletom - I'll expound on my views, engage in serious back and forth (not trolling). Walt is more like a bomb thrower. Hit-and-run bullshit.

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