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LINK CA Megachurch Admits Pastor “Solicited Nude Photos” from Teenager | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

I do have to rive them credit for at least making an effort to at least try to get their house i order.

snytiger6 9 Apr 24

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Now, WHY am I not surprised at all?

‘Cause this happens all the time. These people are incapable of serious and rational thinking. My uncle I recall saying when I was about 7, 8 years old saying “Put brain in gear before putting mouth in motion”........Bullseye!!

I'm surprised they admitted it, instead to trying to cover it up.

@snytiger6 Yeah, that seems their usual method, doesn't it?


Crap like that makes me wish I left religion earlier in life.

What matters is you did. I will always point out it took me 9 years to declare myself non believer, and this was after quitting drinking and smoking.


Be nice. The devil made him do it

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