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Signal tried to run a very honest ad campaign on Instagram. Facebook said no.


FearlessFly 9 May 5

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I need reviews, I mean in the 80’s sure, but now how do I know their app isn’t a back door?
Not that I have trouble with security if anything I need to be more public I suppose.
What if it works great and it’s a hit with right wing terror groups, or Islamic terrorist if you’re more afraid of Islam than Christianity.
I come from Christianity so I fear it because the more religious leaders have freedom to speak the more they sound like Nazis.
In fact Nazis came here for inspiration before the war, they loved the Conservative racist points of view from Nationalist Isolationist, ie people like the KKK and Henry Ford who is mentioned in Mein Komph and Henry Ford kept an autographed copy on his desk and even had a Hitler portrait on his wall.
These people love secrets, and there’s like minded tyrants all over the world, what if it’s already an international secret organization attempting world domination?
We can detect them now, but what about after unbreakable 2048 bit encryption is freely available to them.
Soon the entire world will be two great factions that can’t talk to one another.
Next is war.
Do you see where I’m going here?

"how do I know their app isn’t a back door?"

YOU (or a software developer of your choosing) can actually inspect the source code :


"people love secrets"



Seems like an anti-trust violation. 😛

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