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LINK Atheist Group’s Full-Page NYT Ad: “We Need Reason, Not Prayer” to Fight COVID-19 | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

Brought to you by The Freedom From Religion Foundation. (follow link to see a copy of the ad.)

snytiger6 9 May 7

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❤️ that...even if it IS from a year ago.


The organization is the largest of its kind and does critical work. More of need to join.


I thought for sure that Kenneth Copeland would have blow. Covid19 away by now

Ha yeh, bet he won’t be dying in his sleep

That Windbag 'blow C-19' away, Jeez Louise, I reckon he'd hard pressed to blow out a decent FART.


Don’t our “wars on” shit always fail?
Maybe we need a war on common sense lol

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