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How old is this kid???πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ i've been seeing this box since i was 4 back in the the 80's when i lived off of kensington avenue in philly πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

TimothySkaggs 6 May 11

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@TimothySkaggs So the little kid's name is Harold Purnell, his pic had been on the box for 60 years. He's the grandson of the founder.


I had (cue the drama music) Spanish rice to look forward (dread) to.


@TimothySkaggs I vaguely remember these. What's the brand name? Old Folks biscuits. They're not a Philly brand like Dietz and Watson or Habbersetts. You got to get the ones with cheese. []


They don’t sell that brand anywhere I’ve lived.
So the kid is just another picture of a kid to me.
It would have been fun to claim it was used when I was four in 1963.

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