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I got my first dose of Moderna today at a Walgreen Drug store. The second shot will be on June 20th and then I'm done. Since I had Covid-19 in December and recovered, I'm become convinced that I'm building up immunities right now. Others say it will only last 90 days. People really don't know. All we have to go by is the pandemic of 1918. I do know two things right now. One is that I have no after effects so far. The other is that my corporation will pay me a hundred bucks for getting the vaccine.

DenoPenno 9 May 13

Enjoy being online again!

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a town hall i saw on msnbc with actual experts says it will last at LEAST 10 months, and that yes, it is helping build up your immunity, so it is useful even though you have temporary immunity from having had covid already.



Excellent news

bobwjr Level 10 May 14, 2021

The 1918 pandemic cannot be compared.

It is true, we have no idea how long before we will need a booster. Nor whether our vaccines will prevent us from acquiring any of the mutations. We are in the fact
-gathering stage, but what IS known is that the vaccine has helped diminish the numbers and fewer people are dying from Covid-19. Glad you got your #1.

Some of the current mutations have been studied in relation to the current vaccines:


@girlwithsmiles Thanks for the link. Let’s hope future boosters are effective in protecting against the variants.

We have no other pandemics to compare with except the 1918 Spanish Flu. The validity of your statement is true only in so much that medicine has made great strides in 100 years. We also know that there was no vaccine for this in 1918. What we are doing now is experimental in so much as possibly ending up needing as vaccine on a yearly basis. It is up to the individual if they want to do this.


That sounds like a win-win for you.


Glad you finally got the shot.

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