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Most of known religions has violance as a part of it, it's about people choices and the benefits that come to leaders, so they can push their people to use violence part in their religions.

Muslims and Christians rarely choose the religions they believe in. They are indoctrinated when they are young and defenceless, setting the stage for a lifelong dependency/addiction. And then if you have the audacity and courage to question these teachings later in life the community you were born into will turn on you. In the case of Islam, your life may be at risk, and even your close family and friends will neglect and abandon you.

@NostraDumbass Totally agree


Yep islam sucks Christianity Judaism Hinduism along with a thousand more. Any religion that doesn't represent truth reason and science are a detriment.

Tejas Level 8 May 15, 2021

Islam is the worst of the worst.

@barjoe your opinion is noted. Does it really matter which is worse?


It is a joke supposedly written by an illiterate herder that killed and murdered at will marrying childrenas old as eight!!! Had sex with them. Had slaves he raped, abused, and murdered, kill dog because the thought they were evil, tortured and kill cats!!!

Yes, a good blueprint for the whole death cult of Islam ruled by old men who are pure evil an greedy!!!


I encourage everyone to read to Koran. Was surprised to see Jesus pop up here and there.
It’s really just a bible for arabs.
Violence begets violence and it’s a perfect example of that. Especially you’re a “non-believer”

Mvtt Level 7 May 14, 2021

You are correct. the Qur'an was originally Muhammad's attempt to make the Old Testament and the Torah available to Arabs in their own language. The more violent, imperialist verses came later.

I owned a Koran at one point and made a good faith attempt to read it. I gave up after about 100 pages. Why? Because it was mind numbingly tedious and repetitive. I would describe it as "chloroform in print" except that quote was already used to describe the Book of Mormon by Mark Twain.

@NostraDumbass so repetitive. Took me 6 months in my spare time

@Mvtt Don't make excuses for radicalized Islamists.

@barjoe never will, nor any enablers.


The bible and Quran were both written in violent times and just reflected society as it was. Christianity has since had an enlightenment but unfortunately Islam has not--- yet.

"Christianity had an enlightenment" you say.
On WHAT planet in WHICH Solar System in WHICH Galaxy of WHICH Universe did that occur may I ask?

@Triphid The second one on the left just north of galactic up. 😁

My Muslim housemates told me that Mohammed was similar to Jesus in that he went up a mountain to talk to God because he was sick of everyone fighting, (however unlike Jesus, he used violence to get ultimate peace, so if there is a God perhaps he was posturing to see if peace or war would win with his factions - kidding, there’s no god, just more proof that if there was he’s sadistic!).

Perhaps, like Jesus, some forgot about their prophet’s main aim? A large area was united under his lead, becoming peaceful, through battle.


@Triphid Haven't you guys heard of the European enlightenment ? Time to get reading I think. I for one would not like to live in a pre enlightenment world where the church was all powerful and ruled everyone's lives..

@Moravian I would NOT say that the historical period to which you appear to be referring was all that enlightening since the Churches still held quite a bit of sway over the peoples, the governments, etc, etc, and, even to this very day, still do.
So,may one suggest, most humbly of course, that you remove the blinders and re-read history again.

@Triphid Come on, that's ridiculous. In the 17th century attendance at Anglican church services was mandatory. In England the church now has very little power or influence and in Scotland even less
Even in the 1950's most people attended the kirk, now it is only a handfull.

@Moravian They, the Churches that is, still hold some sway over Parliament and Government do they not?
So, precisely WHERE is this Enlightenment then?

@Triphid []

@Moravian Ah YES, that 'enlightenment' when England ran the Slave Trade from Africa, children as young as 8-12 years old were FORCED to work in Mines, Mills, etc, etc, the common folk were considered as being not much more than CHATTEL, there were Work-houses set up almost EVERYWHERE, etc, etc, you MEAN that AGE of Enlightenment do you?


There are violent 'verses' in the 'Bible', so what? They are all, by degrees violent, male dominated theologies that spawned violent, male dominated societies and empires. None of them rank higher than any others.


The bible’s pretty on a par, being from the same origins, don’t forget not to beat your slaves on a Sunday!


You have to realize that the Bible is the basis for the Quran. Ishmael from the Bible is the forefather of Mohammed and the Arab people. Consider the Quran the newer Arab version of the Bible. The violent verses in Quran are compatible with the Old Testament. Gods body count in Old Testament was a confirmed 2.8 million murders and estimated 25 million when you include flood. Confirmed means bible said 50 people were killed and estimated was when it only said a town was destroyed

@abyers1970 I thought I indicated my realisation by my comment about them being from the same origins 😉

@abyers1970 I think and believe that YOUR biblical God Body count is greatly in error at the mere tally of 2.8 MILLION plus the 25 Million from the Flood re- the O.T.
Since neither, imo, you nor the so-called Biblical Scholars have ever bothered to take into account that actual Population Censuses were NOT instigated UNTIL towards the end of Roman Empire, prior to then ONLY Tax Collectors were sent throughout the Empire with the sole purpose of collecting Tax monies from the people, NOT keeping a tally of the population numbers.
Ergo, and given that Humans had gone from being Hunter-Gatherers to Agriculture and Animal Husbandry at least some 3,000 + years PRIOR to the writing of the O.T. then Human Populations would have grown exponentially with the ready and available sources of food, societal ( clan and familial) care , housing rather than the usual make-shift dwellings or caves, etc, then. as you may see and realize, your estimations are way, way in error.
Error or not, it is still little more than an assumption/supposition, etc, etc, since there has NEVER been ANY Proof Positive and Completely Undeniable, Irrefutable, Empirically Tried, Tested and Peer Reviewed EVIDENCE that either the O.T. the N.T. and ANY and ALL bible stories, parables, etc, etc, are factual, either historically or otherwise.


If it’s “my way or the highway” (death) it’s to be feared. These writings by men 100s or thousands of years ago are the efforts of a few to control and influence the populace. Beating them into submission and eradicated the resistors, I’d say they are only getting more radical as time goes by.


Let's stop any equivalency in the 21st Century. Islam is the religion of violence.


That is was Oky Doky.


...and does it truly differ from the actions of “Christian” settlers in the US?

Or Latin America.

@nicestuff Or any place colonialized by the Jesuits.

@MsKathleen EXACTLY! African tribes no longer pray to their Ancestors and Nature. They're praying to Jesus and Zionist gods.

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