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There are three keys to a bright American future. Let us not be befuddled and misled by greed, deliberate misinformation, and a sadly growing con-artist culture. Our path must be and remain focused on these three critical keys,.

Those keys are:
• A strong and continuing investment in research and development. That investment must be by both the business sector and by American governments at all levels. That investment leads to development of new products and technologies which we need to remain highly competitive. These technologies are also need to deal with the huge environmental problems which we have brought on ourselves and which threatens the viability of the human species/.

• Development of the human capital (knowledge skills, and attitudes in he workfoce) needed to develop and implement new, needed technologies. We did this before with the G.I. Bill after World War II and with such measures as the NDEA scholarships and fellowships – and those actions turned out to be the greatest economic development acts in American history.

• The shedding of cultural norms and practices which have knowingly and willfully held back substantial elements in our population. We need for ALL of our people to have the opportunity and incentive to take part in the development and use of our essential human capital. “A rising tide lifts all boats.”

These three things are exactly what the Biden administration is focusing on, They are also the exact things the Republican Party, the culture of corrupt and exploitive greed, the that of unearned privilege are fighting against. Make the right choices and we move toward a much brighter and peaceful future. Make the wrong choices, and you will lead to a future of economic , moral, and environmental spiral of decline.

wordywalt 9 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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I agree in principle. However, most R&D occurs to develop new ways to further Capitalism, rather than to better the state of humanity. This should reverse. I have recently tried a product, a free sample, developed for aging women. Unimpressed, I registered my disappointment, and was met with offers of a variety of new products for which I see no reason to need. To me, this demonstrates the desire of corporations to relieve individuals of their disposable income, just to redistribute more wealth upwardly. Makes me sick. How many products do we use because corporations CREATED the idea that we need them? I am reviewing my regular purchases to determine what I might be buying just because I have been convinced that I need it. R&D needs to be encouraged by the government for things that WILL benefit the environment and improve the state of society on the whole. I agree about the importance of the rest of your post and agree that it appears to be Biden’s agenda. I hope he is allowed to be successful, as I think he has the potential to be a new FDR, based on his actions to date. I am NOT sure about his strength internationally, but if he is as successful as FDR in strengthening this country, it won’t matter.

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