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This giving up smoking idea is getting a bit beyond a joke now....LOL
For the first time in over 2 decades I'm now making and EATING Breakfast as well as looking forward to it and enjoying it as well.
Used to be that breakfast was a cup of coffee, sometimes 2 and a ciggie, now it's either toast or crumpets with jam or peanut butter on them plus the coffee.

Triphid 9 May 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Careful, it is not unusual to gain 20 pounds (1.5 stone) after smoking cessation! Have some fruit and plain yogurt, if you tolerate it; they are better for you. If you want to feel “full”, without the simple carbohydrates in the toast/crumpets and jam, choose steel cut oats...and do not add sugar. Keep up the good work!

Sorry but YUK to Oats, that's feed for horses imo.
Coffee without sugar, also a bug YUK as well.
Yogurt, no way, tried it a few times, only can handle it in very small doses.
In the 3 weeks now since I've been on the Quit Smoking Program I've actually dropped almost 1.25 kilos, probably because I'm find myself with more and energy to expend in and around the house and gardens.

@Triphid Wonderful!


Smoking helps keep the weight off.
I now know it’s because smokes cost so much you really can’t afford to both smoke and buy groceries.
All for smoking being discouraged, but just make them illegal for gods sake, I’m an addict and I’ll die broke before I break this addiction.
You’d think they’d use tobacco taxes to provide alternatives to smokers wanting to quit, but no it’s just more money for the general fund.
There should be a guiding principle here, if there’s a problem and your answer is taxation then a percentage should go toward helping the people that’s paying the taxes, especially if they’re the ones with the problem.
Smoking in California is like paying tithes to a church in a religion you don’t believe in and you never attended.

You know, I thought that, too. Then one day just over 11 years ago, after having quit HUNDREDS of times over 50 years of smoking, I said, “fuck this” and I quit and have not smoked again. You will, too, when you are ready.

As for making them illegal..remember prohibition? How about the “war on drugs”? Best to help people quit. I am ALL in favor of clinics to check into for three months of really takes that long to lose the physical habit and cravings, and being in a controlled environment would help avoid exposure. I am shocked how many young people smoke, as we have known the dangers all their lives. Adults have the right to make bad choices, yes, but we need to educate the young, discourage people from starting in the first place, and assist people who want to quit.

Don't they have the Champix tablets and Programme over your way?

@Triphid no program, I’ve paid out of pocket for several types of alternatives. Chantix nicotine gum and generic Chantix Wellbutrin.
But I still suck the butt.

@Willow_Wisp When I started the Champix programme I also bought a packet of Nicotine Chews along with them.
So far, I've used 4 chews out of a packet containing 105 pieces.
They tell me that quitting is all about Will-power, well with me it is all about,

  1. getting to breathe a bit easier,
  2. NOT sticking like an ashtray every minute of every day, and , the BIGGEST Driving Force is,
  3. at the end of EVERY fortnight I STILL have both money in my wallet and in my Bank Account as well where that would have gone Up in smoke big time since smoking was costing me between $A250.00 and $A300.00 per fortnight from a Government Pension that, after paying Bills, etc, left me with about $A550.00 per fortnight to buy groceries, tobacco and necessaries like medications.
    Hey, IF one like me who used to turn to a smoke EVERY time something went wrong can do it, I'm 100% certain you can do it as well.
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