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My go-to for excellent international news is Aljazeera. We are somewhat sheltered from what these people are actually enduring:


tinkercreek 8 May 21

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More than somewhat.


Aljazeera is a good source, RT is Russian owned and controlled. BBC is the UK's NPR. NPR is the US's non corporate owned news service I find myself reading the same story from 4 or 5 standpoints. Each of the news services have their own bias and you need a lot of different filters to get as close to the truth as possible.

Well said. The German DW is pretty good as well.

Britain's double-dealing

@TimeOutForMe Britain had a habit of leaving their former colonies in conflict so that they would not be able to survive without a more powerful (GB) ally backing them.

@Beowulfsfriend Yes, I found them daily on NPR early afternoon, they were great!


I used to like Al Jazeera America but lately they're very Anti-American. Them and RT are off my list.

Ya think they may have a good reason or three??

@tinkercreek Nope. I'm proud to be an American.

@barjoe I am also, but most of the world no longer trusts or respects America after the recent clown shows, and I can't blame them.

@tinkercreek You'd be surprised. America has more friends than you think.


Israel's policy of land grabbing is at the root of all this. Unforrunately, every time they are criticised they cry "anti-semitism" and pretend to be the injured party.

Palestinians aren't secular. They are Muslims. I don't support them either.

@Petter @tinkercreek a similar-related topic on here earlier.

Sheikh Jarrah and the Renewed Israeli-Palestinian Violence | The New Yorker

@barjoe thatโ€™s my take. They are both driven by their religion to control or even obliterate the other. I donโ€™t support either one. Outside meddling assures that both have an unlimited supply of deadly weapons, though Israel has a clear advantage with its air power.

@Petter @tinkercreek all started with Arthur James Balfour Declaration in 1917. Theresa May in her short term in power proudly celebrated the 100th year anniversary of the Balfour Declaration ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿค
Balfour and Walter Rothschild were good buddies at the time the declaration was drawn up๐Ÿค”

I think more than anything this is the classic politician in trouble starting a war, Netenyahu is in the middle of a trial, he ramped up the land grab and crackdown to provoke the Palestinians. He's not religious, he's Trump Jr and sucks up to the fanatics.

@Barnie2years "They are both driven by their religion to control or even obliterate the other". Very True!
BUT James Arthur Balfour transfered part of Palestine (Arab land) over to the Jews without the permission of the Palestinians, disregarding their civil rights and their religion. This was still when Palestine was under the Ottoman Empire. Balfour called himself a Zionist.

@Buttercup I think Israelis would do better negotiating with Palestinians. This conflict benefits Hamas and Netanyahu. The people are put in danger

@TimeOutForMe Just ignore WWI & WWII. Your mention of the Rothschild is incorrect and a buzzword.

@Buttercup Netenyahu also knows they're in a much more favourable powerful military footing against Palestine.

@barjoe This the root of it all.

@TimeOutForMe what we call the Middle East has been at war with itself and conquered by foreign countries since the beginning of time. Sadly, it will probably continue until the end of time. Eras of peace are generally short lived and just a time for rebuilding armies. It is not really a religious thing so much as a tribal thing. Africa, Asia and the Middle East were often under outside country control, from Romans to British, who arbitrarily drew borders which did not always reflect those tribes. This just made a bad situation worse. But that does not excuse the constant warfare, reoccurring genocides and hate that keep going from generation to generation.

@Barnie2years You omitted religion in that summary. Think of the Crusades of old, and today's bitter struggles between Sunni and Shia, with a side-serving of internal friction between Shia sects, such as Alawite versus Shia in Iraq.
Then there's the Jewish state of Israel, constantly encroaching upon Palestinian land, and justifying it by quoting their bible.
Be that as it may, the next big conflict will involve access to water.

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