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Suggestions for depressed people?

When any of the rest of you find that life is lacking meaning, what do you do? I'm feeling terribly depressed these days, and I was wondering how the rest of you would stave off depression. I'm taking medication, I'm trying to keep busy, I get outside most days, and it just isn't helping much.

So outside of praying, what do the rest of you do?

ErichZannIII 7 Oct 2

Enjoy being online again!

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If anyone has any question about their mental health. Do not wait one more day! Go to a good psychiatrist, get a proper diagnosis and the medication that you need. Don't let stigma or ignorance by anyone stop you from getting the help you need. It is your life, not theirs.
I've suffered with chronic severe depression my entire life. I've also been a chronic worrier. I had years crying outbursts as a child. So many times I was at the brink of killing myself. The stigma and the ignorance about mental health is causing thousands of suicides in this country every year. No one in my life, not the school system, until a girlfriend when I was in my mid 20s, had recognized the signs and urged me to see a psychiatrist. Because she persisted and helped me push past my Dad's ignorance and judgement, fear of what family and friends would think, fear of the unknown and learned fear of psychiatric medication, I was able to get a proper diagnosis and medication. Talk therapy helped, but I needed medication too. When you are in the emergency room wrything in physical pain they don't schedule you for talk therapy a month ahead and send you home. They hook a morphine drip to you immediately. It can take years to find the right meds, but it must be done. I want a cure for depression, no one even talks about finding cures for mental illnesses the way cures are being sought for every other illness.


I've been a bit off balance myself of late, but my situation is due more to being cooped up than it is for clinical reasons.

Unfortunately, it's just been too damn warm outside. The work I do relies on extreme cold and extreme heat. Garage doors don't break when the weather is nice. Hence, the last three weeks have been bad.

Consequently, I'm broke and I can't go anywhere or do anything except sit around and surf the net. It's not at all healthy. Mentally or physically.

It's supposed to snow here in Colorado tonight though, so maybe there will be work tomorrow.


Great comments and I'd just like to share something that helped me keep things in perspective.

Coda Level 4 Oct 28, 2017

Depression to me, is an indication that you care about the world around you. You probably see horrible things happen and wish you could make a change for the better, but cannot. Without turning your back on responsibility, try to keep the good things in mind. Depression is a tough thing to deal with. Surround yourself with like-minded friends who truly support you. Let go of the negative aspects of your life. Hope this helps.

"Depression to me, is an indication that you care about the world around you. You probably see horrible things happen and wish you could make a change for the better, but cannot." I love this. This is so true.


i am against taking medications to fight depression. Discussing ideas with other positive depressed people some how is helpful 😉
I create a lot of tasks to do. i am active in civil society. I do as much as i can for my community. I Know they might not recognize it, but, I do not care!!! I do my part and move forward another goal each time I attend an objective 🙂


I used to take anti depressants but with my psychiatrist help we slowly faded them out. I exercise everyday, meditate, got a pet (my cat keeps me in the moment and makes me laugh), limit the amount of news I watch (I don't bury my head in the sand but I can know what's happening in the world in 15 minutes), I have developed an amazing network of close friends that I can reach out to if I start to slip back into my depression and take a vitamin D supplement everyday.

Amen! pardon my limitied english vocabulary, hhhmmmmm, congratulations! is that okay?

I agree we don't have to be like an ostrich. And, certainly laughter is the best medicine. You're an amazing guy, keep it up. Please give my regards to your psychiatrist, a real good person


Find things to do, people to meet, things to enjoy. Sometimes it may feel like theres nothing around, but its only cause you haven't taken the time to get out and look around to see beyond whatever it is thats dragging you down.

. . . as in backtracking to pick up the pieces and solve the puzzle to make us whole again


When I let myself slide and stay home from too many of these activities I notice I get more solidly depressed, and am even less inclined to leave the house. I'm bipolar (Bipolar II, full-blown clinical depression alternating with mild mania) and almost certainly diagnosable for Asperger's/High-Functioning Autism, and I have a physical disability such that I can't drive. So, It would be very easy for me to revert to a full-time hermit, almost never talking to anyone in person. When I first landed, penniless, unemployed, back in Pueblo (conservative, with few college-graduates and even fewer with graduate school experience) after 20 years in more educated, more liberal college towns, I shut down. For almost 2 years I didn't have any social life, made no new friends, and only met up with one old high school friend, once. And of course I was depressed a lot of the time. But I have lots of interests, and reasoned that there are other people here with similar interests, and I'd only find those people if I left the house and went to find them. So I made a list of my interests, big or small, things I enjoy doing, etc. Then I did a bunch of google searches for clubs, groups and organizations within walking distance where I could do each of the things on my list. I joined the Historical Society, the Archaeological society, and crafting groups, and now there are people besides my family who know I exist, and who care that I exist(which really does help), and I have acquaintances who share some of my interests, with whom I can talk about fun stuff. I still get depressed, but so long as I don't let that become an excuse to skip those scheduled activities each week, I don't get nearly as overwhelmed by depression.

Hello girl, honestly, I don't know where to start. Peer factor maybe, got a lot of insecurities myself. I stutter when I talk, incoherent and that's just one . . .

Almost fell off my chair, dunno what or how to feel why you're here in ErichZannIII's box. But after reading what you wrote more than twice over I realized you've made a lot of realistic suggestions! I certainly hope the entire "A" Community can read your post.

You are such an amazingly intelligent person. You are honest and true to youself. You know your self well . . . soooooo, what the hell else would you need, anyway - beat A.J.Foyt and Mario Andretti in Indiana?

I pray that you please, please don’t compare yourself with others.

Getting depressed is, after all, part of our daily lives. To quote that guy from the movie ID4, “it’s okay, nobody’s perfect”

I love being a hermit from time to time and I always tell my wife and two boys whenever I need some time alone.

“Don’t bite more than you could chew” I have no problem with that, my dentures keep falling off.

Please allow me to include these lines from a song by David Benoit: (I can't help it)

I think it's up from here.
Take this one from me, one day you'll feel free to
Fly away wherever you want to.
Never can tell where the dawn will break
When you find “your shoulder to cry on.”
After a spell you won't feel the ache
And you'll forget the corner you've been living in so long.
You'll breathe a sigh and see it's time to move along
Just a little stronger when the winter's gone.


Sorry, just trying to be funny here – at the risk of looking like a moron. But I don’t have a problem with that because I enjoy making a monkey out of myself! And I call that “acceptance.” If you know how to accept things as they are you’ll be honest and you’ll be true to yourself. And for me that is freedom. And when you have freedom what more could you ask for? Me? “all I need is a pint a day” says Beatle Paul MacCartney.
One of the major causes of depression is loss of self-confidence.
So, what caused your loss of faith and belief in yourself? There must be a reason, there’s a reason for everything. You gotta try and backtrack a little and pick up the pieces to solve the puzzle to make you WHOLE again.
“Look into your heart , into your “inner self” you’re the only one who can do that. You can only do that if you love yourself. You must love yourself. That is not selfishness. The whole world will love you for that. Learn to love yourself, said George Benson, it’s the greatest love of all.
So, what caused your loss of self-confidence? When things fall apart, when your world crumbles, dreams shattered, when everything is going against you?
Murphy’s Law dictates: “When everything is going against you, you must be on the wrong lane”
Awareness, discernment, hindsite, that “watch your back” thing. You don’t need a “third eye” for these.
You may be painfully shy and introverted with a lot of anxieties. But you’re a damn good writer so why not write about yourself for yourself to read. It’s just between you and your self, and, aaaaahhh, is there another one? Uuuhhh, how do you say that again, duuuhhhh, “It is I, me and myself” so that makes the three of you, correct? Oooooh, what a dumbnut! . . . where were we?
Oh, yeah, write about yourself for yourself to read. Write about how much you hate yourself. Write them in detail, nitpick in the worst way you could think, use profane and vulgar language if you must and after all has been said on paper, you look in the mirror and tell yourself how much you hate you, in your face. Look straight into your eyes and ask yourself, “is true, is this me? Must I accept that I’m so stupid that I hate myself” I leave all the answers to you.

And, from the 1991 Disney animated movie Beauty and The Beast: Lumiere the Candle telling Belle, “When you’re stressed it’s fine dining we suggest!”

Very few under the age of 40 got the "WHAT, ME WORRY?" reference or even knows who Alfred E. Neuman is. Mad Magazine is one of those comic books I collect. I have every single Mad from the first issue up through December of 1975.

Paul, here's a brotherly advice or maybe just a suggestion. If you've got enough room after your wife leaves, please take good care of those Mad magazines, keep them in a safe place, very low humidity. You've got a gold mine of Endorphins in there!


Eat Bananas, flirt, go for a hike

believe trauma to be a chance for growth (after all life is suffering; []

Take care of yourself by using Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs (love and belonging require courageous vulnerability)

Straighten your posture, smile (behavior and body language proceed cognition)

As a survival mechanism, your brain tends to look for negative events and situations, positive thinking can be a mechanism for you to change this, but some situations aren't best resolved by positive thinking and trying to maintain a constant positive outlook can lead to disappointment or a swing in the other direction. Everything is a spectrum. The bright side is still better.

Social media messes with your neurochemistry

Your ability to be happy at all, is your ability to control and manage your neurochemistry

Pardon, Ms.Optimist - are you talking to me?


They say ignorance is bliss. I guess I'm ignorant. I've been sad but it's always about something, and I know that sometimes the thing I'm sad about will never get better, but I also know that there is always something else out there that will fill my mind. I'm sad right now because I'm about to sign divorce papers and the last 14 years I was with this lady is about to end. I'm sad about that, and I'm glad that I'm sad about that because that sadness allows me to know my humanity is still intact. There is always the possibility of a bright day, and I know as long as I'm breathing that today might bring with it a path towards that more promising life. It's going to take work, and it's going to be frustrating at times. I say bring it on and if I fail and I will, I'll get up again, and I'll keep getting up until that unknown day when I stop breathing.

When the Winter's Gone
David Benoit

Pardon me sir, I don't know who you are.
But I think I see something in your eyes
Though I could be wrong.

Winter is here and all the roses lie deep beneath the snow
That's where lovers go to hide from pain and sorrow.
Never for sure when your luck will turn
Waiting out that snowy day
Hope for a cure that someday you'll learn
Why love keeps on going when there's no one there.

Pardon me sir, I think it's up from here.
Take this one from me, one day you'll feel free to
Fly away wherever you want to.
Never can tell where the dawn will break
When you find your shoulder to cry on.
After a spell you won't feel the ache
And you'll forget the corner you've been living in so long.

You'll breathe a sigh and see it's time to move along
Just a little stronger when the winter's gone.
When the winter's gone.

Songwriters: David Bryan Benoit / David Pack / David Robert Pack / Jennifer Warnes, vocals

When the Winter's Gone lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner/Chappell Music, Inc

you're ignorant and I'm a monkey or maybe ape . . . duuuuhhhhhhh, a moron I think so


Train yourself to eagle eye the positive in or around your life.
Do this long enough, and you'll find it a bit hard to get down.

Eagle eye? seems you gonna need a lot of eBillboards and video walls!


I try to keep busy doing things that I like, that make me laugh. Talking helps, especially with people that understand. If you feel like talking, I'd like to help.

keeping busy, just like "grounding" yourself to get your bearings back on track


I woke up crying this morning, so I can totally relate. I find talking about my feelings & being Honest is very helpful. Working out, & Writing or journaling, my all time favorite is Music. I hope this is helpful ????

Simply by being true to yourself helps relieve stress, and, yes, my religion - music, the best stress reliever of all


I'd suggest the following:
First and foremost: find people to talk to about things; friendships can be theraeutic
Have a social circle (not just online, but off also)
Exercise (cardio especially)
Be mindful of your diet; include: Omega 3's, nuts, berries; eat
lots of fruits and vegetables
If you're shy and or introverted: Don't be afraid to go places, and socialize
by yourself if your friends aren't available;
Join a class or group of interest; ie: salsa dancing, cooking class, etc;
Every person is different, and some suggestions may not help, but you
need to be willing to try various things.
Go to a comedy club; laugh, talk, join a club or group (offline) where you
can talk about how you're feeling;
***These are just a few suggestions. I hope you find something that helps.

apologies for the typos.

oh yes, Mr.GoodMan - The Good Man, our good ol' life coach, thanks a lot, bro


I am in the same boat. There are tons of resources outside of prayer or medication. Therapy is helpful to get at the root of any mood or trauma issues. I would say finding people to talk to, groups to join, or good activities in your spare time will help. Staying busy and finding ways to balance social/intellectual needs with the basic need to stay relaxed and in a good headspace is key.


Memes always cheer me up. I also like photography and reading. And building Lego sets.

Memes are always good, just don't dwell on the sad ones and certainly don't dwell in the past!

ErichZanIII: Many artists, like Vincent Van Gogh, are said to be often in a depressed mood. Unfairly stereotyped over the years as phychotic and eccentric, greedy historians and art critics now call them masters and their masterpieces fetches in record highs of hundreds of millions in dollars. (fyi: Van Gogh's highest is $66M, the most expensive painting is $300 by Kooning.)

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