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How would life be different if you were born the opposite gender?

Steve-e 4 Apr 17

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I would have been homosexual. Love women , not just physically but all ways. Women can bring peace and nuturing into our lives.

EMC2 Level 8 Apr 18, 2018

The toilet seat would be down for my morning pee.


I would be gay for a start, so even more discrimination I would have to deal with.


I'm fucked if I know though I would still have to deal with a lot of dicks


I have no idea.


I could skateboard and no one would care.

Lol 😉


Who could determine that much? Anatomy comes to mind as a difference.


My name would be Robert after that it is hard to tell.


i would be able to pee standing up.


I would be a bald lady with a beard! I guess l would have joined the circus.


I'm certain my career would have been less work to overcome the challenges as a man for one. It would be easier to get the ladies as I'm in a male dominated field and as a female my job can be intimidating to the general men. Otherwise I've also thoughts about "what if" I had a chance at another life after this one, would I come back as male of female and after much deliberation I think I'd come back as female again, though early on in life with all the challenges to be successful I went through I'd have said the opposite.


I would have my tubes tied and never marry.


I can never know.

Because I wasn't.

I could make a wild guess, but only based on my experience as a male - so I can never get a true perspective. Had some interesting experiences when I've been out in drag though!!!


Never thought about it. lol

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