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LINK How Is The GOP Adjusting To A Less Religious America? : NPR

"These kinds of data about the shrinking share of the population of white evangelicals or declines in church membership actually intensify the relationship [between the GOP and conservative Christians]," said Sarah Posner, author of two books critical of white evangelicals' politics. "As those numbers shrink, the demography is not in [the GOP's] favor. And so intensifying their relationship becomes ever more important, in terms of winning elections and so forth,"

I’m sure most of you, like me, have been yelling this very thing since 1980. In 1983 I wrote Ed Meese a letter asking him to go home. He did, surprisingly, but CEO’d The Federalist Society. Together with the Koch’s Meese created the T-Party. If we lose this so-called democracy it will be precisely because of Ronald Reagan. He was the culmination of u$A’s sins: Money, Religion, and Ego.
I’m not yelling anymore. Hopefully we’re having an epiphany and it’s not too late. If not then oh well. Nothing much has been lost, in my view, but this seems hopeful.

rainmanjr 8 June 4

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The Dems need Progressive support. Let’s bargain well.


The GOP doesn't need to strengthen relationships with their base. All they need to do is keep most of us from voting.

I think POTUS Joe is going to fix that now that his US Postal Board Chief has been confirmed. He'll fund automatic mail-in voting, making an Exec O allowing it (if necessary), and she'll carry it out. Voter problems solved. She'll fire De Joy, of course.

@rainmanjr Individual states can still outlaw mail-in voting, and make it illegal for municipalities to pro-actively mail ballots to registered voters. Manchin and Sinema have more power than Biden here.

@BitFlipper Not if it becomes a Federal regulation. That's what the voter's bill is.


Denial, just like the election results.


Nothing much has been lost?
There are a lot of destroyed families over this, dead innocent black men guilty of driving while black, entire nations uprooted by war because of Conservative politics and Religion.
Education is under attack and has been almost lethally wounded.
Our rights as individuals to vote and exercise autonomy over our bodies is under threat at gun point.
We can do better, but for the last 40 years no one would believe those of us that could deduce the future and we weren't prepared to believe it would be this fucking bad.

Yeah. The human circus goes on as it always has. A penny for what we were prepared to believe. That’s why nothing’s lost. We can do better but I doubt we will. 63% is still strong.

@rainmanjr I couldn't disagree more, we have lost more than we can realize.

@Willow_Wisp Then we didn't deserve it and, by not realizing it, were destined to lose it.


It seems like the religious segment did not get that involved in politics. Then, with Reagan and the Moral Majority, they became much more involved, being promised the end of Roe V. Wade.

Roe motivated them toward Reagan, yes. Voters abandoned Carter and allowed the religious to prevail. That was a mistake. Eh?

Religious-minded people have so many misconceptions about reality that it is problematic to expect them to participate without harming other sectors of the electorate.


They aren't adjusting. They are just weaponizing religion.

Not unexpectedly. This is what it looks like when the flock leaves or fades.

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