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Trumpster calls Democrat men "girly." Like he's Mr. Macho.

On May 24, I messaged a hiker on Fitness Singles. He did not write a profile just, "Email me to find out more." My message to him: Are you interested in meeting me? Kathleen

Today he wrote back:

"I was until you mentioned you are only into liberal girly men. To me politics is a personal matter and i dated a midwife for 7 years and we had very different political views but a great relationship --good luck. An FYI i have incredible hikes where no one goes and i bring a fantastic lunch according to dietary needs."

"If you are a Trump supporter, hit the back button NOW" my profile says. Clearly that hit a nerve. Ha!

My reply:

I am not into girly men. That's insulting. I only want a Democrat man. Typical of a Trumpster to be insulting. You are mean-spirited. I am getting to know a Democrat man with a Ph.D. who owns a plane. He's funny and kind unlike you.

Then I blocked him. Come to think of it, he does look mean.

LiterateHiker 9 June 12

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump made a comment like that recently, apparently meant to bring out the misogynistic instincts of his followers. That's probably where that guy got it from. Trumpies lack the ability to think for themselves. They can only repeat whatever Trump tells them.


Never judge anybody else while wearing a hat that silly.

Deb57 Level 8 June 13, 2021

You did the right thing. Good for you.


Why is the bench facing away from the Matterhorn? What's the matter with toward the mountain? haha. Also, what's the matter with girly men? They're people too.


Typical moron conservative. "I'm above average and you should acknowledge that and bow down to my superiority." You were kinder to him than I would have been. But in the end, block and move on. No one needs that disease in their lives.


Good response.
Actually my ideal for myself is not macho or girly, but a combination that is some of both but not to extremes.


I am surprised you invested even the little bit of time that you did. He s seems like the Often Wrong, Never in Doubt type.


He looks mean, fat and stupid to me. And wears that goofy hat, LOL.


Mean or stupid?

Mean, stupid, arrogant... I am sure there is more to add to the list.


Ah, he's wearing a cute little girly beenny.


Spot on and hilarious!


How dare you have reasonable standards!!?!

Sounds like you dodged a bullet with that one!


Exactly. Thank you.


You tell him sweety

bobwjr Level 10 June 12, 2021
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