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If Jesus, Heaven and Hell were real, there would be a lot more of this going on.

SnowyOwl 8 June 18

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So, won’t be popular i guess, but if you wanna get real, this is why it’s not so hard to perceive an atheist as a believer, see; the believer’s demonstrably bad definitions are accepted at face value. I mean unless you can Quote some v to your point? Which you really can’t i don’t think

Agreed, you don't think.
If you did then you would have recognized this as a critique of the whole loving god who wants to throw you in a fiery furnace for misbehaving because he loves you, religion premise.

@SnowyOwl well, that cannot be documented, but ok

@bbyrd009 What can't be documented and why can't it be documented? I fail to see your logic, is there logic?

@SnowyOwl the point is that the religious interpret that way, but the Bible doesn’t really bear that out. The “fiery furnace” almost surely comes via translation; Norse/angle scribes just had no better analogy


Would the phrase , " God damn it to Hell ," be appropriate here ?


god/jesus is an asshole.


I don't believe hell is real. No one has been able to prove there is a hell.

I believe in hell and Satan. I married Satans sister and I lived in hell for 11 years until I got saved by a divorce judge.


But he loves you.


A buddy of mine sent this to me today. It was great to wake up to.


Where was this pit of fire several months ago??? It was chilly here...

They tell me that it's eternal so I would say yes and that makes me wonder why you were chilly. lol

I live in Indiana. It might snow next Tuesday.

@Holysocks I've lived in Edmonton, Alberta - it could snow any day of the year and it has. lol Things will warm up and then everyone will be talking about how it is too darned hot. 😀

Yep. I worked in western Minnesota during the winter and my last day there, it got up to 32 and shops had doors propped open and convertible tops were down.

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