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For those supporting vaccine passports within your own countries, this is just the start

powder 8 June 19

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AstraZeneca maybe just fine but every rule has to have a line.

I approve of vaccine passports because I think they will save lives.

This. Exactly.


People who got both AstraZeneca shots are fully vaccinated in my opinion. What evidence is there otherwise?

barjoe Level 9 June 19, 2021

@powder I don't think we have ever accepted other countries approval of a drug. I'm also glad that I was able to get a vaccine that is much more effective than Astra Zeneca.
When they submit the data requested by the FDA and prove their efficacy I am sure they will be added to vacine passports despite the fact that they are not as effective.

@Lorajay Much more effective? Statistics show AstraZeneca Oxford is extremely effective. The only questions were it's safety, which has nothing to do with efficacy. Someone who had both AZOx shots being infectious? There is ZERO evidence for that! None!

@barjoe you are correct I was looking at a March article but June article states 92% effective. In any instance I am glad they require FDA approval before putting it on the list of approved vaccines for a covid passport. It may be perfectly good and fulfill the requirement but there might be many other vaccines that would want to be on the list without FDA approval and they might not be as good.
"AZD1222 US Phase III primary analysis confirms safety and efficacy" []

@Lorajay J&J Janssen is not as efficacious as AZOx.

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