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Funny story least I thought so....Peter Poppoff is a tv preacher and my kid was up late one night watching and sent the idiot 5 bucks. He sent back 3 and a little vile of blessed water with instructions to send back the three plus another 5 and bless her other bills...SHE DID'''...Now she got three dollars and a request for twenty more and one dollar back with a little baggie of white powder that was suppose to be spread or consumed I can't remember but she threw it on the dash of my car....I told her to get rid of it cause any cop walking by would see drugs and arrest us til poppoffs powder was tested... she did not keep sending money she now owes him 250 bucks


Anyone stupid enough to send him $500 deserves to be taken, especially given his well known history.

some are old women scared to die and they prey on her fears ....she is alone and her family has forgotten her in their busy lives ...I feel her pain .... and abhor his greed and his ability to take advantage of her

There are many other religious con-men out there she can send her money to who haven't done time in prison for scamming. If she is elderly then she has to know his history.


Con man

bobwjr Level 10 June 23, 2021

What a greedy charlatan!!


Send me $50, and I'll send you 2 mugs & a plush throw! (The Dollar Store is having a sale this week.....)

Check is on the mail.

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