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Apparently Lucifer was Gods "favorite son." What kind of DNA is this? As the old saying goes "the apple does not fall far from the tree."

Tourirst 7 June 25

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Hail Satan!

barjoe Level 9 June 25, 2021

There’s a problematic reading of Job 1:6 that could place hassatan as amongst the bene elohim. They also appear in Genesis 6:1–4 as spawners of the Nephilim legend people have become too obsessed with.


The Loki Hypothesis suggests that the contradictions regarding a god entity could be resolved if one supposes god to be a sneaky trickster. As example, the notion that said god demands fealty while hiding all evidence of anything supernatural.


How could be be gods son ?. He was a fallen angel, Jeebus was god's only begotten son

I have zero ideas or knowledge when it comes to the book of fiction. I pride myself on knowing nothing about it.

@valentine4real So it would appear 😉. Apart from having some interesting stories a knowledge of the bible is useful in countering the stuff spouted by Christian evangelists

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