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UFO report: US 'has no explanation' for sightings


xenoview 8 June 25

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Yes that is what the "U" part of UFO stands for.

de grassie said that on bill mhar)I never sp that right) it was funny ...i love them both


If we can't have an honest, forthright discussion about what happened on Jan 6, how the hell can we seriously expect the Pentagon to tell the truth about UFO's? They've spent the last 70 years making discussion of UFOs taboo, and a fair reason for termination, derision and even murder. They can't give answers they don't have...

If anyone did have an interest in the subject...



And this proves....?????

It proves what dishonest and cowardly pussies the US government are (particularly the Pentagon et al).

@racocn8 so, you amongst all the world can prove a negative...with Nothing.....

Even the Pentagon admits they exist and are NOT nothing. They have released a tiny bit of their evidence, but evidence doesn't matter to those whose minds are made up.

@racocn8 yes, they admit that some things are UNIDENTIFIED, duuuuhhhhhh

@AnneWimsey From the report: "Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, WITHOUT DISCERNABLE MEANS OF PROPULSION. " Representatives have disclosed that these objects are not in any other country's inventory, nor in ours, nor in any corporation's. Per the report, eliminating the other categories leaves "Other" (ET). But that has been well established by numerous multiple eyewitness accounts of close encounters.

@racocn8 I repeat, UNIDENTIFIED. And have you ever heard of Occam's Razor?

@AnneWimsey Agreed, Unidentified. We do not have any idea who is in control of those objects. Do you have a particular instance/claim to apply Occam's Razor?


They know what they are, but if they told us, they'd have to kill us.


I have an explanation. People are morons.

barjoe Level 9 June 25, 2021

Does the US need an explanation? Note the closing Question: Will NASA provide contradictory evidence?

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