4 10

Yes the only one we need

bobwjr 10 July 10

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I'm seeing little justification for the idea that not informing children of a huge societal inclination makes that inclination tolerable. I'm coming more around to the idea that religious concepts should be taught as an adjunct to philosophical and critical thinking. Let the kids decide as they become adults but from a position of informed reasoning. Philosophical reasoning should also be a yearly part of curriculum.


Science goes here? I'm not so sure science and state should be merged either. Science should be free of both religion and state. IMO.

skado Level 9 July 10, 2021

Please give an example of how science generated by the state could harm science.

I’m not saying it necessarily would, certainly not any more than private enterprise. But I just question the “Science goes here” claim. I don’t know what that’s based on. Why should science be owned by the state? Seems to me it should be considered independent of any particular sector.

They got the other side right - religion goes with the church. But why should science go with state? Seems like that should say “Government goes here”. The principle of separation of church and state is not about science. It’s about freedom of religion.


"State" is a church, so seperate "church" and "state" is like seperation of Hamburger from mcDonalds.

Word Level 8 July 10, 2021

I thought you were somewhat smarter than this remark indicates..,...

@AnneWimsey might would be better to say seperate McDonalds from being a fast food restaurant.


As a staunch church/state separationist, and a nullifidian, I could not agree more! Thank you for this post!

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