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Of course we also have the right to remain silent -- I've just never had the ability to do so.

glennlab 10 July 13

Enjoy being online again!

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No wonder the "founding fathers" fought so hard for it.


Agreed, but I'm also terribly happy that Facebook, Twitter, and others are able to block certain users (or should I say, a particular user). This user has used Free Speech to establish their lunacy, no more proof needed.


It’s too much, way to many idiots.


So true

Unity Level 7 July 13, 2021

Thats true, Biden proves this regularly,with incoherent babbling nonsensical comments that are very amusing and sad at the same time .

Did you see his speech today?

@biguy12 And this is with notes from his handlers .Pathetic.

@Emanuele I can tell you didn't see it

@glennlab I am talking about the majority of his speeches and you are Cherry picking one .I heard the speech but this does not change the fact about his deplorable mental decline .

@biguy12 - I've seen a number of Biden's speeches and interviews. They have always been clear, never muddled. The version of the man you describe has never been the one I've seen. I can only assume what you have watched is some grossly Project Veritas edited version of him.

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