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LINK Abbott vetoes bill protecting dogs from dangerous restraints

Jesus Christ. Not even Dogs' Lives Matter in Texas. 🐶🐕🦮🐕‍🦺🐩

SeaGreenEyez 9 July 14

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When one elects abutt from Texass what else should they expect.


Immediately thought of this


Another new low.


I've know for years that Abbott is stupid and heartless. This is a new all time low.


He's just an overall scumbag after all. The big ugly mouth of his isn't good for a damn thing.


Top of the heap of lowlife assholes in Texas. Oh how I really, really want to see Texas go Blue.

mischl Level 8 July 14, 2021

Abbott is the pure definition of what the Trumpublican party is.

redhog Level 7 July 14, 2021

Good place not to live.


Abbott is a dickhead.
Another one who needs to just fucking die.

I'm proud of you for voicing that. It would be nice, yes. I think Dem's should start calling him weak and crippled. Unable to get up and fight for anybody. Seriously. Let's start playing their game for this one.

@rainmanjr I wish the democrats would do that, too.
I'm an Independent, and I often find myself pissing off both the right and the left.
I have little patience with either party, but particularly no patience with the right.

@KKGator For me the gQp fails because of their religious support. Since I can not vote for that I am a registered Democrat but, yeah, both parties are annoying.


Texas has assholes as politicians

bobwjr Level 10 July 14, 2021
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