My husband commited suicide, It broke me into a million pieces. My therapist said those exact words to me, I disagreed. Some things in life no one should have to endure, even for love.
I'm so sorry Charlotte.
I agree. I think that one is always the better for having had love in her/his life. Love, IMHO, is the only thing weighty enough to balance the scales between what it takes to survive, and why survive. By “Love” I mean love in general and not necessarily just romantic love.
Married twice. Numerous short term lovers between and before marriages, and I've just (2 years now) settled into another long term relationship.
The way we're doing it is risky, and there's a fair chance that work will split us up (we're both in theatre. It can pull you apart) but worth the risk.
I'll take hope over experience.
After 2 marriages ending in their adulterous affairs...I would have rather "skipped it" altogether.
Single since 1992.
Tennyson - about his friend Arthur Hallam. In Memoriam is a harrowing read, but worth it.
I'm being the literary nitpicker here now.
Christ in a sidecar, I don't know if it's even worth falling in love again. It does bring its own level of damage.
I can’t say. Every Love I’ve ever had has been twisted in some way(narcissistic mother) or gone down in flames. No regrets, but not sure it was better!