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Oh hell yeah!

Leelu 7 July 24

Enjoy being online again!

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Stick to your guns!!!


That’s fucking awesome!


Feminism is dumb.

Fuck off.

@Leelu Can you tell me what it accomplishes?

Why is it I can so easily picture β€œcourt jesters” 2 surviving brain cells repeatedly bumping into each other??

@misterinvisible Still haven’t told me what it accomplishes. Woman are all allowing men to play sports in their leagues. Y’all obviously don’t even understand what feminism actually entails.
Do better.

@CourtJester tell you what feminism accomplishes? I thought of several things to say in response… seems euthanasia would be a better and much simpler solution for people like you.

@misterinvisible Still haven’t answered the question.


That’s a good one.....


Hey kid, back off on the fairness and equality concerns, it's making the entitled students uncomfortable.

Yep, just like religion, their lack of privilege feels like oppression... but it isn't. πŸ™‚

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